I failed you times and times again.
Makes me fret,
is there a limit to forgiveness?
Im a sinner that repeats in sin.
I am repentful in words,
but never consistent in actions.
Again I ask for your forgiveness,
again your grace showers me.
Now I can't forgive myself.
Let your love surrounds me,
fill me with your embrace.
Be a better man.
Genesis Jorris 1:08:00 AM
Favourite song of the month. haa.
Genesis Jorris 3:51:00 PM
20 Random things about me.
(If you're reading this, you're expected to do the same. =P)
1. I hope to slim down one day, thou I don't know will I or not.
2. My dream when Im small is to be a millionaire, and I do still dream about it.
3. I have this funny thought in me: To build a resort as a ministry house, haha.
4. Im not good with finance and accounting. =.=
5. I think Im strong (physically for a girl)
6. I love my Shepherd, Mei gui hua...... Thou sometimes we quarrel. heh.
7. Find that probably I have split personality. maybe.
8. I love to serve in ministries and chiong the whole night for God!
9. Im not good in studies when I come to poly.. I know, because Im lazy. =(
10. I love my family, somehow.
11. I like cooking, baking, displaying dishes! But don't ask me to clear up the mess after that.
12. Im somehow who live to eat, not eat to live.
13. I want a pair of heels that will fit nicely and won't cause aching and pain.
14. I need a job, badly.
15. Sometimes I don't bath! My goodness!
16. I get tired easily... Not sure why. But I can take long nights.
17. I suspect I have organs that are going to die soon.
18. Jesus is my best friend.. You know?
19. I love these people: Mag, Lestari, Ter, Jason. Close to my hearts and ears!
20. Im going to sleep. It's 1:04am.
So people.. Do put it on your blog. hehe.
Genesis Jorris 12:55:00 AM
Ballooning. I am a Wooden man I have no face Someone tied a balloon on my wooden wrist Then A guy call Jesus came by "I tell you the truth, Amazingly His word sank deep in me Faith is believing in what that is unseen If God loves a wooden man who have no face
You can move my Joints
Though I can't move them myself
No hair
No fingers
No toes
But I do have a soul somehow
Unlucky me that balloon was filled with Helium
There I go for I was underweight
Floating around like nobody business
A fig tree I saw
And the wind direct me there
Got stuck in it
I gotten impatient
He stood at the bottom of the tree
And started preaching
I thought to myself: Poor thing to my ears
if anyone says to this mountain,
'Go, throw yourself into the sea,'
and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen,
it will be done for him.
Therefore I tell you,
whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours.
And when you stand praying,
if you hold anything against anyone,
forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." - mark 11:23-24
I began praying, prayed that I'll be freed
In my heart I spoke as well
I will forgive that man who tie a helium-filled balloon on my wrist
That fig tree withers
And I was glad
And I did.
Have you?
No hair
No fingers
No toes
Like me..
Why would He not shower you with more of His love and care? =)
Genesis Jorris 12:58:00 AM
Ask and it will be given.
God had been moving greatly in my life recently!
I am pampered by His blessings,
amazed by how He use the weak (me) to shame the strong,
overwhelmed by His stirring in hearts of plenty =)
Let me just first share 1 thing:
During the VISION service,
Jasmine encouraged us to write our VISION by end June,
in ministry and in pastoral group on a piece of POST-IT Pad.
Believed you wrote something on it as well yeah?
I wrote:
2 sheeps by June =)
And guess what?
I will be taking care of 2 new sheeps very soon!
Excited... God use me, bless them!
God is really faithful as well...
I really have a burden for teamhope,
and really long to see usher's ministry grow.. Strong!
And guess what?
Plenty had responded to serve as an ushers! Woohoo~
May more desire to serve as the host of God's house!
Same to Decor ministry... And the Image team! yeah!
God is blessing the camp as well...
Am handling quite a few things, and one thing is souvenirs!
Anticipate for it, cause it's going to be of quality =)
The supplier is really good to us and offer good quotations!
Thank God for them manz.
Talk about my spiritual life and conversations with God..
During the corporate prayer meet, God spoke to me.
I was engaging in prayer with God before the meeting,
telling God that I long to hear your voice, speak to me!
And He drop these words into my heart:
1. to make holy; set apart as sacred; consecrate.
2. to purify or free from sin: Sanctify your hearts.
3. to impart religious sanction to; render legitimate or binding: to sanctify a vow.
4. to entitle to reverence or respect.
5. to make productive of or conducive to spiritual blessing.
I believe somehow or rather, God is speaking to me, that I shall be set apart for His purpose, that my heart should be sanctify and consecrated so as to be holy to do His work.
And thus I want to hold on to His word:
- trust in Him that the Lord will purify my soul
- be open and willing for God to sanctify my heart, taking actions when necessary in my life
I am really glad to have heard the word from the Lord, His still, soft voice. It really encourage me greatly as my faith was stretched and enlarged. His spoken word shows how intimately he knows me, that I have to sanctify my heart for I am a sinner.. There are areas in my life that I struggle to overcome. The prophecies strike my heart and speaks to me... That the Lord understands that I long to grow out of these sinful areas, but often I struggle in them. It was said as well, not to fret, trust in Him, be determined, pray continually, and I will be freed. =)
I long for More of God!
Genesis Jorris 2:22:00 PM
Genesis Jorris 3:20:00 PM
In quietness I heard You speak
In emptiness I felt You near
In loneliness I sense You there
Your omnipresence lift despair
You spoke with that still, soft voice
Alert am I, eager to listen
Longing for your revelation
And twas I cast all my distractions
Fix my eyes upon Lord Messiah
In Tranquility I reside in You
Your love display in Your presence always
Dear to my heart I give thanks, You =)
Genesis Jorris 2:24:00 PM
Help me to live a life that honor you more.
Help me to be even more determined.
Help me to discipline my daily life.
Help me to grow to love people, love my family, love You.
Lead me in Your ways and not my ways.
Lead me not to speak but to walk my talk as well.
Lead me as your servant to lift Your ministries to greater height.
Lead me to walk closer and deeper with You.
there is a ringing in my heart that I am still not doing enough.
That I am not yet fully obeying your will in my life,
that I am still holding back certain areas due to my lack of discipline.
Please forgive me for this life that I am not doing my best,
be patient with me for my growth to grow and get rid of my bad life habits.
I need and I want to do well in my studies.
Take good care of my health to go a longer mile.
Set a good example in my family to lead them to You.
Plan well for my career and trust in You while doing my best.
be Your faithful ambassador and leader of Your ministry.
Play my part well in GenX camp 09 and witness success.
Grow in my walk with You.
All these,
cannot be done without You.
So Lord, be with me. =)
Genesis Jorris 2:12:00 PM
A sense of satisfaction within me,
because I just completed my CA for CSB (communications skills for Biz),
and I just completed my portion for SVM project (service marketing).
Now moving on...
Will be SM (Store management) CA coming up,
another CA for CSB and it's exams time!
In 1 month's time,
I am graduating and entering the society as a,
What is going to come before me?
I am a little fearful of the future,
because of the economy nowadays and all that..
But God, I trust my future in your hands,
You will help me to get a good job!
Right now,
focus on the rest of my studies,
get intensive with the camp planning and coordinating,
be excited over all the new stuffs that's going to come up,
from ministries of DECOR, USHERS AND IMAGE!
Last but not the least,
I want to be excited over my R/S with God.
Long to know Him and experience Him more. =)
Genesis Jorris 11:44:00 PM
A card for Jacob. Thanks Jacob for allowing us to use the place!
Our dear floor managers who serve faithfully. =)
Group Photo! woohoo~
Glen and Cedric. Don't you think Glen have good skin? haha.
me and Cedric!
You are Faithful
Your joy is my strength.
For the past days,
God has been good.
And He is always good!
Our God is a good God, Amen?
I receive true freedom from Him,
upon His forgiveness and grace given,
despite of mistakes that I've make,
despite of situations that I cast Him aside and depend on myself.
I thank God for His love that He welcome me back into His arms,
and I thank God for the testing which mould me stronger.
Praise God that He help me to depend more on Him. =)
God is good to His people,
and on 11 Jan 09 from 12pm to 6pm,
God bless the Usher ministry in a BIG way!
We had our very first mega meeting of the year,
planned in an innovative and fun method for our volunteers..
It was a crazy time of learning,
and I sense strongly the presence of God amidst us.
The meeting ended powerfully,
with many who responded that they want to serve as a better usher!
God is good to me as well,
blessed me with some money to purchase clothes for the new year.
He gave me quite some time to ponder and think,
praise God for the reflections and learnings I've gotten through the times.
I am ashamed that I am still doing things that do not please God,
but am amaze and touched by His agape love.
God, be patient with me,
I will change my perspectives and thoughts,
depend on you other than being determine,
in order to change myself to honor you more. =)
It's going to be a test soon later,
God help me to write fluently.
Thank God manz. =)
Genesis Jorris 12:08:00 AM
Why did God allows suffering and pain in this world if He is loving?
A common question,
even me myself wonder.
And I've gotten some insights from a little analogy,
that I learn from the book: The case for faith, by Lee Strobel.
Analogy: The bear a trap, the hunter
One day, hunter caught the bear.
Hunter had compassion on the bear,
and wants to liberate it.
He tries to win the bear's confidence,
but He failed to do so.
Therefore He has to shoot the bear full of drugs.
The bear thought,
this is an attack and hunter is trying to kill him.
Not had it realise, it's an act of compassion.
To get the bear out of the trap,
Hunter had to push it further into it,
to release the tension.
Yet as the bear was semiconscious at that time,
further it thought the hunter was his enemy,
out to cause more suffering and pain to it.
But the truth is,
the bear was wrong.
The bear failed to understand,
because it did not have the wisdom of a man,
to see the intentions of the hunter.
The bear is like us,
and the hunter is like God.
Often we scream and shout in this trap we see,
sufferings and pain we witness and taste.
But we failed to understand,
because we did not have the wisdom of God,
to see the divine intentions of God.
Genesis Jorris 1:08:00 AM
Genesis Jorris 11:58:00 PM
Incurred a guilt in me you've did.
Heart sour and squirk am I.
Make a swelling of pain you create.
Wonder had I everything you do,
always are right?
Not know is me, silent do I.
Bow down and obey,
guess what I to do.
surrender is I.
Genesis Jorris 11:17:00 PM
A bus Journey.
Board a bus, 105.
Going pass SP for School.
Brain with thoughts,
and I held on to it.
Never did I alight on time.
Continue did I,
stoning on the bus,
All the way down to Serangoon way.
Interchange I've reached,
yet I continue to stone.
Finally I realise,
in shame I alight.
Then again I board on bus,
driving down the same route,
opposite am I.
I stop thinking,
but slept throughout.
For peace I want,
no tears no more.
I figure my thoughts,
I want to grow.
Help me oh Lord,
get out of my zone.
Self awareness must I train,
please you oh Lord I will do.
Time will you give for change in me,
Help me to be more like you.
Forgive me,
once again I plead.
Genesis Jorris 12:22:00 AM
And I ask for your forgiveness,
Im sorry.
Im doing everything that I can,
just to hear from you,
you're forgiven.
I only want to salvage the situation,
nothing else I want.
Regardless of what's the reason for all these,
I just want to say this again,
Hope you know this.
Genesis Jorris 2:46:00 AM
stuck in between.
What can I do?
Im feeling really bad. Really.
Give me a break.
Genesis Jorris 4:19:00 PM
Genesis Jorris 1:53:00 AM
Look into my Eyes.
There's a connection in Between
Something that I can't explain
Well as you can see, when you look into my eyes
Everything stop functioning
The world pause, for something to happen.
It's weird somehow, this scene still exist
I always thought it's a movie cliche
But now I know it's not about imagination
When emotions struck
The heart will beat, not for body function.
Laughters, joy and smiles always around
So long you're there, these be around
It's not like you're Jesus, the son of God
The one who brought in all the love this world need
But somehow you became the one,
that bring about a special joy to my heart.
Look into my eyes
and let me look into yours
A special connection that I can't find in others
Well I got to say, you're precious to me
Thank God for you, my dear friend. =)
Love you.
Genesis Jorris 1:27:00 AM
Genesis Jorris
Created on July 8th 1988
Conversion July 16th 2005
Drowned and Roses February 19th 2006
Ministry of PSPT
Ministry of Singers
Ministry of Teamhope
Ministry of Stage Managers
Ministry of Image
Leader of Occidental Alumnis 2007/2008
Leader of Crippled Beggars Alumnis 2008
Leader of SP2 Girls group 2006
Leader of SP2 Mix-group 2006
Leader of SP Unit Guys Alumnis 2008
Pastoral Goal: Family Salvation
Spiritual ministries
Vision: Dynamic Teamhope
Professional Image Team
Personal Verse:
Psalms 143:3-10
Fulfiled Goals:
Creative Caregroup
Influential Sheeps
2 CLs
Creative caregroup of great identity
Gift of leadership
Personal Goals:
Pioneer Image Ministry (Tertiary)
Understanding the Purpose of Gift of Mercy
Maturity, Cultivation of Character
Vocals & Music
My Sheeps:
Free Cellphones |