Finally the long postponed DMM is held today together with Lennon, at our "favourite" hangout location, the SP HQ. Had a new visiting brother to the DMM, dear Gordon.
Its always great to see new potential leaders arising. Come on SPians! Desire to serve God as a leader and share this burden of leadership together with the rest of us in the DMM! Come and make the DMM big!
Ha.. Always enjoyed attending our DMM.. Its always exciting to come together with all the other leaders, to learn more about their caregroup plans and to share mine too. As well as the inspirational teachings from our dear leader, Lennon.. The teaching of the day was regarding self improving through a few key areas. Im glad that I've been reading up on books to widen my leadership skills as well as conducting reflection time regularly to think through things that I've learnt, and applied. As I was browsing through the pointers.. I've identify the area that I've not touch on much to improve myself is the area of looking out for role models. Perhaps one of the reason is most of the people in the SP group from the new generation, therefore in terms of gaining experience and knowledge regarding leading my group, I will be unable to seek out models among them. I need to involve myself more with leaders from the other unit in order to improve myself better.
Something to share regarding the importance of the people you hang around with. Perhaps some might felt weird towards this mentality, but it is very important towards the forming of you. Just like John C. Maxwell always says in his books, that what you are, is very much determine by the type of people around you. Because people influence. To receive good influence, hang around with people that will reflect better integrity and moral values. Mix around with those who you can learn more. If you are struggling with certain areas of your life such as discipline, hang around with somebody you know who are good in disciplining themself. You will naturally be influence and learn to discipline your life. Especially leaders and leaders-wannabe, we have to constantly be alert of the peers that we are gathering together with. It is not the fun that matters, but how much we can actually input into ourself that matters. Every minute that we spend with the people, we need to think whether it is worth it a not. Time is precious.
Therefore, like to encourage anybody who pass by my blog, to actually spend your time with your friends, brothers and sisters wisely. And always keep in mine what areas you can learn from that person and receive influence of the attributes this person possess.
Today I met up with 2 Thai sisters from Hope Bangkok! They are full time church staffs in the Hope World Mission department.. Had a great time exchanging questions and sharing thoughts.. One of the greatest area that I've learn from one of the sister is her faith and reliance on God. She may not be speaking english fluently, but when she speaks about God I can feel her excitement to talk about herself, praying intensively to God, and her desire to be an intercessor for God. Every single question, she will always assures confidently, pray to God for the direction, the confirmation, for help, for blessings. Ask and he will surely give to you. I learn this spirit greatly from this sister, thank God for her.
Its not that we do not pray. Its not that we do not rely on God. But its that desire to always come to God. To really describe it, I will say child-like faith. Like a little boy who always believe his father is always the greatest. Likewise, I saw this faith from this sister carries towards God. She believes nothing is impossible with God. That's the impression she drop into my heart. And indeed there should be nothing impossible with God! I will learn to deliver this spirit of reliance on God through prayer to my people.. And always applying it in my life.. To enjoy praying.. To keep praying for every single individual of the people in my group. Definitely, God will hear me and answer me. I believe.
Furthermore in the conversation we touch on church planting, being a full time staff and spiritual giftings. This sister actually had the gift of prophesy, which I desire to be able to prophesize God's word. Therefore I shared my experience with her, and ask her in detail about the process of receiving God's revelation. Indeed we identify the fears initially before we prophesy, and she assure me regarding prophesizing and should not fear to deliver God's word to the people if God were to drop it in my heart. She also advice me to confirm it with God regarding the revelation on the spot before coming to the front and speaking the prophecy to the people. And the exciting part regarding church planting! Hmmm.. I believe God has changed my thoughts towards it.. Initially I thought of myself to being the sender, and not the goer.. Perhaps because I was not ready. But back then, I was telling myself, Im not suitable to go. Ha.. But today, I actually shared that Im willing to go if God ever calls me to plant a church. Its challenging. Its tough. But Im willing now. I believe its because Im ready. And the same thing applies to being a full time staff! If its God's calling, why not?
But well... We identify something together today with the Thai sister.. We can be a full time staff even though we're working in the society.. Get what I mean?
Its the heart after God. To do the best that you can be.
Im really glad for this opportunity to meet them. Its my honour. Thank God for this 2 sisters!
Genesis Jorris 2:24:00 AM
GenJ is back in action for her bloggings. Ha. Miss me?
Recently not been really posting stuffs... Just some abstracts and photos.
Busy with examinations! And YES! Today is the last paper of the mid semester term..
Thank God I did pretty confidently. I hope I could score averagely well. =)
Oh well.. Manage to meet up with Thomas today. As usual, He's cheeky.
We walk from SP to holland village with Yiheng to have the famous katong laksa.
Well, got to apologize to Thomas for challenging him eating 5 spoonful of chilli with the laksa.
Ha. Though he dun mind and dun blame me. But... Sorry!
I enjoyed my nasi lemak. Cost cheaper, and more filling. Must make my money spent worth.
We had a great time all together talking about stuffs.
Mainly whereby Thomas shared about the unusual phenomenon happening in Malaysia.
Whereby we dun see it in singapore.
Ha.. All the gang fights. Scary stories. The poor police system there.
And Thomas voice out, he will never want to stay in Malaysia.
Ha... Malaysia you got to do something to win your people!
Well talking about this...
Reminds me that we got to do something to win our people!
You do not want to see everybody leaving the kingdom of God like how Malaysians despise their own country right.
Singapore is a good example to adopt from. I thank God that Im a Singaporean. =)
Anyway.. talking about country. National Day is coming.
Happy birthday Singapore!
OO.. And before that, Happy birthday shepherd, MR BIG BOSS LENNON.
Genesis Jorris 11:53:00 PM
I do not know why Im here right now typing.
What I only know is there are many things in my mind right now.
And I can't stop thinking about them.
Im having a paper tomorrow. And I need to study it as soon as possible.
But if I do not clear these thoughts away. I know I can't concentrate.
So what exactly is inside.
Worries. Plenty of them.
Im worrying about this friday, what exactly will be the outcome of the meeting.
Im worried how will I respond to the decision.
There are a few alternatives that will come to a pass.
Some of which I hope they will not come so soon.
Some of which I hope they will not take place.
But I know I will obey whatever may takes place.
What God wants will be what I want.
Yet this worries just don't stop coming.
Perhaps Im still struggling with what I really wants.
I need to focus back on what He wants.
Despise. Towards myself.
There will always be ugly spots of yourself.
And I know mine clearly.
There should not be any self pity or inferiority.
But yet I've fallen into the pit of these.
I do not want to continue in my self condemnation.
Yet condemning myself is the only way to make myself feel better when evil tempts me to think otherwise.
Whenever thoughts and acts like that comes to me.
I hate it. I hate myself for doing them.
God please relieve me from this.
For the sake at least I know Im wrong.
Stress. Keep piling on my head.
More and more burdens I have to carry.
My responsibility expands.
Yet, I do not have few that I could delegate.
All are too young. All are too immature.
I need greater anointing. I need more disciples.
I need a shepherd heart to train more to take over my load.
I need father you to stir in those hearts to serve you.
No amount of training will be enough until they choose to serve.
To serve you, our hearts are important. Not our hands.
God will you please show me where are my disciples.
My heart is flustered.
My soul is broken.
My mind is complicated.
At a loss point.
Yet I know, I'll find the exit.
God I know you're there with me.
I'll overcome.
Thank God. (feeling much better.)
Genesis Jorris 4:56:00 PM
Opportunities & motivation are connected. Motivated people see opportunities, and opportunities are often what motivate people.
Great attitudes precede great opprtunities. Who you are determines what you see.
Today is the best day for an opportunity. Opportunity always takes "now" for an answer.
Oppotunities are the result of pluck, not luck. The people who succeed seek out opportunities, and if they can't find them, they create them.
Opportunities don't present themselves in ideal circumstances. If you wait for all the lights to turn green, you will never leave your driveway.
Opportunity without committment will be lost. Abandoned opportunities are never lost - they are simply pursued by competition.
Opportunity is birthed out of problems. If you are looking for a BIG opportunity, find a BIG problem.
Opportunities either multiply or disappear. The more opportunities you pursue, the more you find behind them.
Opportunities must be nourished if they are to survive. As Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, says, "Feed an opportunity, starve a problem."
Genesis Jorris 2:29:00 PM
Genesis Jorris 9:23:00 PM
Genesis Jorris 9:02:00 PM
Really thank God for such a fruitful day I had.. From the beginning, all the way till the end. His blessings never ending. And the most exciting news to share today is:
Ha. God blesses us with another genuine convert call santono! The one who did not receive God last week... Im really glad God gave him the courage to take the leap of faith and receive God into his life. We shared with him the gospel and many other things for a very long time.. I think one hour plus in nexus auditorium.. Actually thought of giving up.. And try again next time.. But do not know why, Im just convicted that he will receive today! So i kept on sharing... And i sense God's anointing of wisdom upon me as I answer all His questions and doubts.. I shared with great conviction and confidence! Thank you my Lord!
And I finally receive my pocket money despite the past one whole week I have totally no pocket money.. Was seriously blessed by God and all my fellow dear caregroup members.. I do not know how will I survive without God and them. =) Thank you all and thank you all again. They blessed me with my meals.. With my transport.. With movies.. With alot of things. And when my parent pass me my pocket money, I was really blessed because they gave me ten bucks extra.. I did not even ask for it, but they just gave me the extra bucks. Praise God! Also through this past one week whereby I tried to survive without money and understanding the family financial situation, my mum sort of saw the other side of me.. Its like she was commenting, she have eyes to see that I truely understand and tried to help in the family finance in this area.. In my heart I really rejoice! Finally she is seeing that Im too, regard this family as my very own and wanted to help.. God! Please help me to continue impact my family as a salt and light.
Hmmm.. After that, I rush for the meeting with Pastor Marcus together with Pastor Jasmine and the Polydi leaders. The interview styled meeting was inspiring as Pastor Marcus shared about the very different culture and people in Germany. The people there are much difficult to deliver the gospel compare to Asians. Yet, Pastor Marcus and his team never give up, but gave great effort to evangelise and groom leaders. One thing I learn greatly is:
Do not take Singapore for granted. You are given more, therefore much is expected.
We are given a better chance to evangelise and invite people for service. That does not means we can put in lesser effort as compare to those in Germany. We should not take the situation for granted, but rather, give our full effort so may we reap even more. Where much is expected. This really stir in my heart a holy discontentment and I really want to share the gospel even powerfully!
Well, I got something to repent.. today, the whole OCCIDENTAL group was late for service together! Sorry God we overlook the time.. We quickly rush down... And somehow or rather a burden weighs in me when I get to my seat, and turn back to look at my group.. We nearly filled up one whole row of blue seats! Oh my God! Ha. Immediately at that point of time, I was telling myself.. I must witness the whole group filling up this whole row! This row is MINE! hahaha. Alright, back to focus on praise and worship. It was powerful. The songs speaks of what I want to tell God.. And finally when I reaches the song you said, my heart really cry out to God and these tears naturally flow out.. He's really great. And I know He heard my cries. That's why like the lyrics says, "ask and I'll give the nations to you", indeed he heard what I ask for, and thus we have a new brother today!
My caregroup members really love me I tell you. And I really love them! Ha... Shawn offered to treat me to dinner.. But I rejected cause I have the money. Ha. Well.. But its not alot.. Sufficient to last nicely for meals and transport for the next one week. As I was fretting over my phone card.. Suddenly, John blessed me with a SINGTEL Hot $100 prepaid. Oh my God! That's alot of money enough for me to last for one whole month. Thank you John! Oh ya. We had a little small short unit gathering together to congrats the new believers. I believe it was fruitful. After that, we all went for a few game of pool.. Which was fun! Though Im a noob! HaHaHa. Blessed by shawn once again for He paid for the game! Thank Shawn. =)
Went home early.. Shawn and Gordon went for movie together. That's good, finally I see different bunch of people fellowshipping. haha. Me and yiheng took bus together! Wow.. And Yiheng bless me with a bottle of apple tea. Nice! Thanks Yiheng. And he being willing to take bus with me is miraculous too.. cause he never take buses. haha. Praise God! Along the way waiting for our bus and on the bus.. We shared alot about our group and people... It was a really fruitful time together.. To talk about our plans, our strategy, our problems, the people.. Thank God for such an opportunity for us to support each other in SP leadership!
Last but not least..
Thank God for all those who have been praying for me. And Thank God once again for everything.
Im awaitin for Harvest for there's a time for everything! And I believe the time for harvest is here and has just begin!
Genesis Jorris 12:47:00 AM
On msn recently, somebody's nick gave me inspiration.
Indeed by this coming July 16th, I will have completed 2 years of journey with God. 2 fruitful years I will say. I've really experience a big change to my personality and thoughts, in a way that I will never expect. He strengthen my faith and my conviction of His commission. He makes me understand deeply how great is His love for me. And thus, I've grown to who I am today, His follower that strongly proclaim His word, His story and carry His cross.
But that's not enough. There's so much more for me to grow. for me to SHARPEN.
I will throw myseld in disgrace if ever I were to measure myself. I believe, measurements is important once in a while to know where you stand, and where do you have to improve. The nick "sharpening" have given me the urge to ponder on my determination to improve. And true enough, I am not giving my best to sharpen myself to become a better follower of God. There's so much that Im lacking in order to hear from God saying, "my good and faithful servant."
This is the word Im going to apply. In order to SHARPEN myself, I need DISCIPLINE. It is not a matter of whether individuals are up to the tasks a not, or whether do they possess the attributes required to become GOOD. It is a matter of whether the person is determined and disciplined enough to complete the entire race of improving, and sharpening. In the areas of not only leadership in pastoral ministry, I want to expand my vocal skills, improve my academics, relate better in family, create better friendship, moulding of character and deepening my undestanding about God.
All the things that I want to achieve. And most importantly, I want to know God more. I want to know Him even deeper. There's so much to fathom about Him. He is just so mysteriously good. I want to be able to understand His plans for me better, though I might not be able to know everything about Him, but I will fight to know as much as possible. Because He is the one that Im going to invest my whole life in.
Oh God.
I love you.
Help me to know you more.
Genesis Jorris 9:11:00 PM
Me and my dear Primary Schoolmates at Marina Bay for Steamboat!
(Im the tannest one)
See all the dudes and the babes! Me and John the Strong and macho and knowledgeable =.=
(We nearly strain our necks till break) Me and dear Cutie pie: Pooiyee
Her voice can melt a person heart
(Or send shivers down your spine.. hahaha.)
Genesis Jorris 8:51:00 PM
So many happenings in the past few days that I dun even have time to blog..
Time flies so fast! Holiday is coming to an end and exams are approaching..
Just wanna share more about all the exciting elements that took place in my life recently!
Hmm.. First of all.. To announce.. Occidental is right now at a size of 14!
A new brother call Thomas just joined us last saturday, praise the Lord!
Ha.. This dear brother is standing at 187cm.. Consider very tall compare to average height in SPunit.. hahaha. He can slamdunk, with the assistance of others. (can ask me if u want to know how that can be done).. He have a funny sense of humor, unpredictable lameness, very "ON".. He's a friendly malaysian, who can speak english quite well without the accent.. Living very near SP HQ, which mean very near SP! (envious)
Will post his photo if I happen to get it.
Oh ya. I had my primary school gathering too! About 9 of us was present.. The day was fun.. To see all the old faces once again.. A few of them changes alot.. Im one of the BIGGEST change. haha. but well... there was still clicks among.. Its just somehow hard to have a big gathering and everybody can blend in together. (It only happens among God's community where everybody are brothers and sisters! haha.) In the end.. I was together with eugene, edmund and szechi as a group.. Which is kinda unpredictable, because they werent my close buds last time. People really change you see.
The saturday service was really good! Thank God for Meihwa and the service planning team for creating such a creative service.. Especially the letter reading part, halfway through the sermon.. Which I felt.. was really touching and meaningful. The Praise and worship was lead pretty well by Nel too! And the sermon was simple and sweet. Thank God for our tertiary pastor, Jasmine poon.
OCCIDENTAL is growing strong and moving steadily to becoming a dynamic group! As I was doing a healthcheck for our members yesterday during quiet time.. I came to an amazement that many have really grown.. And my prayers for them are coming to a pass.. Come on Occidentalists! Let's break the boundaries and grow quantitatively and qualitatively! We can do it! For God's grace is sufficient! =)
Tomorrow.. we will be having a MCG and a new believers' celebration at sentosa..
Its going to be really exciting. I can't wait for it to come to a pass. Oh my God!
Father I pray let tomorrow be an impactful day so may the new believers and the visitors feel the Love of yours within the community! Let your spirit be flowing intensively among us!
Love ya!
Genesis Jorris 7:32:00 PM
Ha. Today had a really relaxing and fun day together with my beloved shiyun and Peiyi.
We went to sentosa together.. For a suntanning trip!
It was amazing and a great testimony to actually be able to have the sun.
You know why?
Cause on my way there.. The sky was covered by dark clouds.. and soon, storm arrives.
I thought there goes my suntanning today. And was pretty upset.
But soon, as Peiyi and Shiyun reach the shuttle bus area to meet me up, the rain gets smaller, and by faith we just bought the tickets and make the trip to sentosa!
It was still drizzling when we reaches there.
Sentosa changes alot!
New interchange location. New LRT thingy for people to travel.
But well, the beaches never change.
We linger around coffee bean for a while, for some snacks and drink.
And guess what?
Suddenly we felt the sun rays coming in, and BOO! The sun has return!
Quickly hop onto the blue line bus and travel to siloso beach, for our suntanning adventure.
It was so exciting to see such a strong sun, though there was a BIG storm before that.
Spray the sun tanning oil all over, that familiar smell makes me happy.
Lay down like a dead corpse, and let the sun do all the work.
It was simply blissful lar.
Then we played basketball and volley, swimming too.
Oh yeah, we have girls talk, purposely to get Peiyi more involved in those stuffs.
And then we discuss about GUYS there. Shiyun was crazy over the japanese guys that happens to be touring around sentosa. Or look-alike japanese guys.
It reminds me of the times that I got really tanned together with xueping.
It was really an enjoyable time. Kinda nostalgic.
I miss you XUE!
And.. Realise its been a long time since i relaxed like that.
After since I become a careleader.. I seldom have such time for my own..
Although even this sentosa trip, dun really count as my own time..
It was another sowing trip.
But well.. Im glad God gave me rest today through this simple and blissful day.
And thank Him for answering my prayers, to stop the rain and give me the sun!
All thanks to Him.
With loves, and suffering from sun burn now. =)
Genesis Jorris 12:15:00 AM
God gave me answers yesterday night. And confirmed with me today.
For all my questions, all my desires, all my fears, he answered them all in one.
He spoke to me in my quiet time with him yesterday:
Exodus 14:13-14
"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."(NIV version)
I asked for deliverance right before I seek Him.
And there He promise His deliverance will be brought about to me today.
Later Im going to have my coreteam meet.
Amazing timing by the Lord, Im trusting Him for this.
Im anticipating for miracles later.
Indeed the Lord know me well, He knows im frustrated by the current situation.
He knows my heart is high and low.
Oh hallelujah.
That's why He speaks, you only need to be still.
All these problems, I'll fight for you, you just have to settle down, don't worry. believe me.
Thank God for your revelations.
And today I was petrified by a sudden verse that pop across my sight.
Psalms 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
He speak once again to me.
To confirm His message, knowing my wilful nature, of not staying still.
And he furthee stretched the message of being still, is not just settling down.
But being still, also meaning, putting my trust in Him and not wavered.
Believe in Him for the harvest.
Believe in Him for everything.
Believe in Him no problems will be too big for Him to solve.
Believe in His timing.
Believe in His deliverance for the people.
Believe in His love.
Believe in the gospel.
Believe in His power.
Believe in His plans.
I love you.
Loving more and more as time pass.
I can't imagine my life without you now.
It will be so dark. So aimless.
I pray to you.
Deliver us from the shadows of dryness.
Guide us to your promise land.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Genesis Jorris 1:46:00 PM
What is the Thing I've got to do?
Recently for the past few days that I've not been blogging..
Been reflecting deeply.. On what are the things I've got to be doing..
And the one thing, that is most important in my life, that I've got to do.
To put it clearer, what is the PURPOSE of my life right now?
Being in this group.. Serving as a leader.. My purpose as a leader.
Being in the poly ministry, still within the campus.. My calling to evangelise.
Being in the family, in the midst of quarrels and disputes, My role as the peace deliverer.
I've been having a strong desire in my heart.
Getting stronger as recent days pass by.
The desire to be a better LEADER for God!
How should I lead this group, OCCIDENTAL to greater heights?
What can I do to understand my people better?
What must I lay as foundations, so may my people follow what I do?
How do I earn their submission?
I feel so small.. But I know I got a big GOD.
My abilities are all so limited. What that I could do is just so little.
God? How could I reach far and great for you?
How do I bring about miracles and reviving stories in these people?
It must be only you Lord.
You got to help me in this!
Help me to understand your ways to accomplish all these.
To be successful in leading the group!
These people. Their lives are crucial.
Their growth in you are precious.
Father I play this role, to help them to learn how to draw near to you.
I play this purpose to encourage them about your presence.
I long to see their lives change and testifying about how real you've been.
God! Anoint me!
So may these people grow strong!
Father.. In my tears.. I cry out to you.
Strengthen their faith and conviction to serve you.
Awaiting for your deliverance. Pour upon me my Lord.
Come please.
Genesis Jorris 11:21:00 PM
Im enjoying walking from Singapore Polytechnic all the way back home. Or at least to clementi mrt station. Funny right? Dunno why. I call it the: Peace walk.
Along the way. God will flash images in my mind.
Remind me with pictures of the past.
Many thoughts will run through.
I'll feel so peace. Because joy with God gives me Peace.
Perhaps I'll walk more in the future. =)
If I got the time to spare.
Happen to see a quote from a television show.. And I felt it is really real.
" Sometimes you will selfishly think the way we are doing right now, is the best for the others. Which may end up, hurting the person the most."
Therefore, dun just think that its good for the person, and go ahead with your means. Hear from her, and listen to what she really wants. Perhaps she wanted nothing, but only your recognition.
=) Loves.
Genesis Jorris 9:49:00 PM
I just recall that a couple of days ago somebody commented that my blog is too wordy.
Maybe not that wordy, but I describe very clearly. To make it sound nicer. haha.
Or rather, lacking of pictures? Sorry I dun have a digital camera!
Hmmm.. But anyway, I'll try to upload some soon. =)
let today be a time of........
Genesis Jorris 3:32:00 PM
Runnin. And Runnin for God.
Guess what I did today?
I actually ran back home from Singapore polytechnic to my house, in Toh Guan!
Im so proud of myself for havin done that. Laughs.
But well.. I didnt really complete the journey.
I briskwalk back home after I reach clementi flyover.
Yet it was a fruitful time I spent for today.
Along the way, as I was listening to my ipod, i felt peace. And joy from God.
The simplest yet most fulfiling joy from serving the Lord with all your life.
Today I met up with one of my coreteam.
He questioned my motivation for having the ownership in the group.
His thoughts were, its impossible for me to give my best, just because its God's plan.
But I speak this to this dear brother:
I confidently proclaim, my giving to the Lord, is purely for the sake of investing in his plans.
For I know surely, other than His plans, all others, are chasing after wind.
Therefore, I gave my best to whereever He place me to serve.
In the group. In leadership. In singing. In teaching. In prophecizing.
Everything that God gave me in His church, is part of me, and me part of them.
Its a part of my life. I can't live without, and neither can it live without me.
I pray my conviction will inspire this dear brother.
Because one of my greatest joy is to see you enjoying the joy of serving the Lord.
Father please help him, to understand where is worth, the investment of life.
Burden to witness the team growing together is seriously exploding within me.
These precious lives, in the team, how I hope will be nurture powerfully.
So may they all be living powerfully for God.
And the growth, the harvest. Will definitely comes.
The group have to claim it together!
With a dynamic group, people will retain, and continue to add on.
Oh Lord! Give me more of your wisdom and knowledge to lead the group.
So may they be guided to see a bigger picture of how far you can bring them to in their lives.
I need more of your guidance, so may I be a living testimony to encourage them!
The conviction is bursting. I can't with held it anymore.
Father! Spark the fire among those who are willing, to share this burden with me!
Help us, to be part of your kingdom.
With an explosive cry,
I prayed,
Genesis Jorris 5:53:00 PM
Today is another blessed fruitful day by the Lord for me.
Make me reflect on tasks in my life, and things to accomplish these few weeks.
Realise, my schedule is really tight and I dun really have much time to lose.
So many things to complete, yet so little time.
But no worries. I believe somehow or rather, God will help me to make sure all are done.
Blessed to have Pooiyee and Baorun my two precious to accompany me today after school.
Seeing them is equivalent to finding $50 on the floor.
Seriously, because they are like my left and right hands.
$50 may not be alot to you, but its alot to me. Cause, Im poor lar.
I gotten a new notebook to replace my old ones.
Realise these little things can make me excited and happy at times.
I quickly noted my stuffs onto the new notebook, and felt so satisfied.
Perhaps due to the reason, I love to get things organised. So a notebook, marks my day.
Then I ate quite alot today. Which makes me felt so sinful. Gluttony.
I do not want to be a second POOIYEE. So, going to refrain from food from tomorrow onwards.
Met up my shepherd finally today.
Though it is really late.
For a shepherding. At 10.30pm.
Felt like, its been decades since we talked.
Discussed about the caregroup, the people, the plans, the movements.
As usual, our shepherding times are always so strict.
Like even mosquitos can't breathe when they are near us.
Shared more about my life. My finance. My family.
At a particular moment, I actually nearly cried.
But I held my tears back.
I need to be strong.
If Im not strong, then how can my people be strengthen through my leadership?
Just as I blog yesterday..
If Im discouraged, then how can I encourage others?
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Few are with me in this battle.
But I cherish the few.
Few, can win the battle and reap from Harvest too!
I believe, definitely fruits will come.
One convert, or many converts, they are still lives!
All matters to me, to us.
Burden is exploding in my heart.
We need to do our best for the sowing and evangelising!
If not these lost souls, will never be able to receive God into their life.
Because the gospel have not reached them.
Oh God! Push us to the limits.. So may we all be burning to claim the Harvest!
Let the momentum be speed up among us.
Let it fire up the hearts of all, the followers.
I want to claim my future.
This thought suddenly came across my mind just now, as I was in the restroom.
I desire to be an influential leader for God.
And I desire for a greater vicinity for me to influence my leadership upon, the people.
And to claim that, I got to fight for it.
You can't just wait in lala Land and hoping the promise will drop from the skies above.
You got to work, and sow, then reap yourself.
Nobody is there to toil for you.
You got to ask it from God, thru your life.
I desire to be your salt and light.
I desire to be your tool used to impact the group.
Answer my desires.
Show me your plans.
Jesus Name,
Genesis Jorris 12:42:00 AM
I had coreteam meet today.
Pooiyee and Baorun was present.
Edmund was around, but away doing his fyp.
The others not present.
But it was a fruitful meeting.
Its amazing how God shapes the day.
There were tears together.
I did not cry.
Though I always do.
This time, it was my sheep.
The tears are good, let me tell you.
Because sunshine, is awaiting after the rain.
Many things run in my mind as I shared.
Heart of Evangelism.
Compassion for the lost souls.
Ownership of Occidental.
Salt and Light.
Do not self pity yourself.
You have to be encouraged, never discouraged. If not, how you going to pull in the lost souls into God's kingdom?
The team goes forth as a team, and comes back as a team. Nobody gets left out.
I shared these. What I learnt, to my people.
I believe, it was a god empowering moment.
I believe God stirs something in these precious who is toiling with me in the group.
I believe God have spark a fire within them, now about to spread to the rest of Occidental.
I believe, transformation is waiting and harvest is about to be poured.
I can't wait for it to take place.
The revolution. We've been expecting.
We shall not remain in this comfort zone anymore.
We're moving now.
Moving forward to the frontline and fight the battle.
With honour, laughters, tears, joy and fulfilment.
God with us.
Us with God.
Let all these people,
Together with me,
storm the gates of hell,
fight for justice,
serve fervently.
Father may you bless these people. With all my love, I pray to you.
Let them not suffer in darkness, but undergo testings and trials in the light.
For those hardships are meant to mould, and train them.
To greater servants of yours, and enjoy great honour for eternal.
I pray let these people understand clearly your plans for them.
Though some maybe ignorant, Lord have patient on them.
Help them to truely experience your goodness.
Help them to encounter the excellence of your plans for their life.
Pray for Baorun to experience more of your miracle power in her life. Let her witness that your power is far greater than she can imagine. Strengthen her will to serve you, the willingness and the obedience. Let this stirring in her heart continues, and expand. Let her longing to serve be answered by your directions and vision for her.
Pray for Shawn that Lord you will heal him. Not only to lift this illness from his body, but rather to help him recover fully from his weak body. So in the future, he will not easily fall sick. Rather, he will have a strong body, to serve you better. May this time as he's undergoing illness not affect his academics. Therefore Lord once again I pray, heal Him.
Pray for Pooiyee for her maturing walk to come very soon. Indeed she have responded to your calling and is obeying to serve you in the tertiary ministry. Yet Lord, help to mould her to become a great woman for you. In return for her desire to serve you as a shepherd and a leader, help her to be transform to be the type of person u wanted her to be. let the path be guided by you.
Pray for John that His academics will be under your coverage. Lord bless Him with your abundant knowledge and wisdom, so may he be able to glorify you in the area of studies. Help him to understand the value of the community, and the priority of you in his life. Father I pray, may you change his mindset and perspective, so may he be a charismatic person for you.
Pray for Brian that Lord you will strengthen his faith and dependence on you. That his life will not be of his own, but of yours and him. Lord help him to experience your great presence so may he feel the realness of you in his life. God I just want to pray, forgive him as a sinner. Have patient on him, if he had not seek after you. Guide him to you.
Pray for Garmeng and GeokHian. For this two dear brother and sister, that they will be draw near to you. Forgive them for drifting away from you. But Lord, show them the way back to your arms. Let them know your love, is everlasting and always there for them. And this community, is always waiting for them to return.
Pray for Evan, that as she gradually step back into your courts, Lord hold her tightly, and not let her fall. Help her in her family persecutions, and her questions towards faith. I just want to pray, father continue to impact her life with your miracles, and your realness.
Pray for Kestrel, that Lord you will remove her stubbornness, and draw her back into your presence. Soften her with the holy spirit, and help her to apply the fruit of the spirit. I just want to pray Lord you will help her to receive your life transformation, so may she really be able to walk out of her little room, and see what's the world really have become.
Pray for Jeremy, that Lord you will remind him of his decision to receive you into his life, and help him to understand that it is not just a religion, a practice, but a relationship with you. Lord show your presence strongly in his life, so may he walk truely, this journey together with you.
Pray for Edmund, that Father you will help him in this business of his life. Give him rest when he feel tired, both physically and emotionally. Lord dissolve the pain in his heart, and show him out of the dark room to the bright fields you prepare for him. I pray that he will be able to walk out of the shadows of past, and learn to walk with you in his present.
Pray for Pearlin, that Lord you will help her to embark this relationship with you, and build a strong foundation of faith. Let her truely understand the meaning of life, and the reality of you. Help this young woman understand the priorities of her life, most importantly, you as the priority.
Pray for all and myself,
to be blessed,
in the name of Jesus,
Genesis Jorris 10:55:00 PM
Once Broken.
There shall be no fear.
There shall be no tears.
For the Lord is here.
To embrace us with cheers.
The land is conquered.
Victory is ours.
So we sing the name of Jesus.
Once broken,
But now restored.
Nothing can be compare,
to the Love of God.
He heal and mend,
all the broken hearts.
He's the one, that complete me,
and complete us,
our Lord.
As I struggle in between,
the light and the dark.
I saw His hands reach out,
right into my heart.
Then I felt,
His warmth in me.
Oh yes, its Jesus.
Its the love of Jesus.
A song I wrote out of passion. May you enjoy. =)
Genesis Jorris 2:54:00 PM
Praise & My Shame.
Praise be to the mighty name of the Lord for His every good deeds.
All thanks be awarded to this great king that have spared my life.
His grace and mercy on us, the sinners are so great.
Greater than the boundaries of the world.
Bigger than the space in the universe.
During the service yesterday.
Im once again filled by His holy spirit.
I feel His presence strongly amidst the auditorium.
I could feel His touch against my cheeks.
And there rolls my tears.
His greatness, I bow down before Him.
God never fails to minister to my life everytime I come before Him.
For in His promises that we claimed, He will always be there.
Yesterday Evan came for service with me.
The feeling was familiar, and it was sweet.
To sit once again with her, together, in the auditorium side by side.
And then she will be as usual, a little slow to catch what the Pastor is saying.
Then I'll always be there to explain to her, what have been said before.
I love you sheep.
Always. And never giving up.
I did thought of letting go my hopes.
But God proves me NO.
He revived my hopes.
So here you are, back together with the family.
Praise God.
Service was great.
Especially the praise and worship.
Beginning to learn deeper what exactly is praise and worship.
And truely understanding the meaning of why people say, the music and voices does not matters.
Believe many knows this statement. But how many applies?
Perhaps to share a little of my discovery. And my definition.
When praising and worshipping God, you will only see you and God.
Nobody else is present.
Because it is praises from you, and praises to God.
Who else need to be present?
Yesterday during praise, I actually fallen deep into God's presence.
I forgotten Im actually in the surrounding.
I felt like I've fallen asleep, and is in a sweet dream, with God.
Thank God for giving me such a sweet encounter.
The feeling of praising God is always enchanting.
During the altar call...
Speaker Micheal shared with us a Video.
And that video makes me cry.
Because, as it plays, God speaks to me.
He was telling me.. I know its tough.
I know the walk is long and tiring.
And you got to wait for a very long time before coming to me.
But my Child? I love you.
And what that awaits for you here in heaven, is your greatest joy.
And that shall be enough to support you until you reach me.
God really knows me.
He know what Im facing now.
He knows the walk is tough for me.
He understands me.
I was amazed by His spoken words. Nothing to say.
Nothing to describe. Because His love is far beyond words could explain.
Dear heavenly Father,
I pray in your mighty name a Thank You for everything thing you done in my life.
I just want to praise you for transforming me to a different person.
And I pray I could be a more all rounded christian for you.
Help me to be an influence in my family and classmates too.
Let them see a salt and light of yours from their point of view.
So may I glorify your name, and not disgrace you.
I pray that my encounters with you will not stop with me, but spread to all who are around me.
Let me be your inspiration, to the community.
Let them see through my life, that it is possible to experience you deeply in our lives.
In Jesus Name I pray,
The more I praise your name,
The more Im exposed to your grace,
More shame and guilt clouds my heart.
I need to work harder to become a greater christian for you.
1. Love
2. Discipline
3. Excellence
Let me achieve these for you for this coming month of June.
I will push this breakthrough in.
With your power.
Genesis Jorris 1:20:00 PM
Blissful day.
But I know I can't enjoy my days for the rest of my life like that.
Father I repent for my acts.
My procrastination at times.
My laziness in fulfiling the tasks in my life.
Forgive me.
Give me a little more time.
A little prayer and thanksgiving to the Lord, for today.
For blessing me with such a beautiful and heartwarming sight.
As well as such a golden opportunity of sowing today.
Won a new potential lost soul contact today,
and knock into a really cute dog who carry a small bag for its master.
Its amazing how my days are planned by the Lord.
Everyday, seems to be a present.
A gift from God.
Thank God for Pooiyee. She had been a great supporter for me in my caregroup.
Actively sowing and evangelising to people for God.
Learning and gradually maturing in her walk.
Believe her time in tertiary, is going to be her life transformation period.
God is going to mould her to become a powerful woman for Him.
Continue to serve God with all your life alright, girl?
I'll be your support too. =)
Genesis Jorris 7:42:00 PM
Today, empowerment overwhelms me.
I could feel that God is trying to tell me something.
Just that I've not hear it clearly yet.
I need to quieten my heart, and prepare my soul for what He is about to pour down on me.
Its something big.
He is sending me for something.
He is preparing a role for me in His kingdom.
His anointing is about to come.
And His question for me is: Are you Ready, my Child?
During the mission conference. During the workshop.
It was really a great time of learning.. And I am really inspired by Pastor Sandy Lam.
She is a woman that was greatly used by God, to do great things.
The way she preaches her experiences, and shared during the worshop..
Was fantastic and fabulous.
Its definitely not within her strength, or her abilities.
She looks just like a typical housewife.
But, the reason that makes her impactful on that stage, was all because of God.
I attended: Teamwork and dynamics for my workshop.
I learnt the different type of people a team need to consist of.
And I realise Im really blessed in my team currently.. as the people balance the roles well.
And she emphasizes strongly on the leadership too.
As a leader, the burden and responsibility we carries is very important.
Whether the group moves or not, majority it lies in the leadership.
And secondly, the bonding of the group comes in.
Whether the group is moving in the same direction, is the key to growth.
As she continue to speak, Im increasingly inspired.
I want that growth she described that happen in many groups she been exposed to,
to happen in my group too.
It is possible. Because we have the same God. =)
After which during the mission transform preaching.. She shared the burden over mission.
The conviction she have to respond to God back then in 15 years time, to go on missions.
Something stir greatly in my heart..
And I do not know why, halfway through the preaching my tears roll down my cheeks.
I actually cried.
The stirring continues.
I know it means something.
God is telling me something.
Father! I want to be ready for whereever you send me to. Prepare me for your plans.
So may I be prepared, when your timing arrives.
Talk about caregroup!
Today's caregroup was super fun and enjoyable..
It was a great spiritual gathering too.
We prayed and prayed for the people within.
And we encourage each other, affirm one another.
The time was really sweet.
And how I hope it can continues.. Never ending.
Been a long time since we had such a natural caregroup.
Something that seems really impromptu.
Like everything, was not planned beforehand.
But it just so happens, because this team, is a team. Its not just any people.
But we are SP UNIT!
The fellowship was really great.. And i really love EVERYONE of them!
I thank God once again for placing me with this bunch of fun-loving brothers and sisters.
They are always my dearies.
The praise and worship.. though I seriously have no voice..
But as I lead, I feel a sudden swirl of sweetness in my heart.
Like if, God is pouring honey all over me. I could taste the honey. So sweet.
I linger in worship, with my smiles. I thank God for His presence.
And I really hope everyone in the unit itself, felt the same way as I too.
Anyway the highlight of the caregroup was:
At our finale showdown.. the Last part.. where we play with fire crackers..
Water.. Candles.. Bomb bags..
Somebody complained about us.
And the police arrived!
Such a memorable combined caregroup.
But anyway, it was nothing serious.
even the police say: this is just child play.
Just that the person who complained about us thought we setting arson or what.
Anyway, that person didn't succeed in spoilling our day.
Cause we have the fruit of the spirit! We will forgive, and have grace.
(But remember that person: blk 15, floor 16. we counted the floors.)
Last but not least! Thank God for all who taken up roles for today's caregroup!
Yiheng, Jeremy, Hanhong, Brian. Peiyi, Pooiyee, Vincent, Gordon and Baorun.
And Thank God for making everything successful!
Loving God more and more. =)
My burden for you shall continue to increase.
My love for you shall continue to extend.
My service to you shall maintains its efficiency.
My patience to your people shall go to the ends of the earth.
Im willing.
Genesis Jorris 12:23:00 AM
Genesis Jorris
Created on July 8th 1988
Conversion July 16th 2005
Drowned and Roses February 19th 2006
Ministry of PSPT
Ministry of Singers
Ministry of Teamhope
Ministry of Stage Managers
Ministry of Image
Leader of Occidental Alumnis 2007/2008
Leader of Crippled Beggars Alumnis 2008
Leader of SP2 Girls group 2006
Leader of SP2 Mix-group 2006
Leader of SP Unit Guys Alumnis 2008
Pastoral Goal: Family Salvation
Spiritual ministries
Vision: Dynamic Teamhope
Professional Image Team
Personal Verse:
Psalms 143:3-10
Fulfiled Goals:
Creative Caregroup
Influential Sheeps
2 CLs
Creative caregroup of great identity
Gift of leadership
Personal Goals:
Pioneer Image Ministry (Tertiary)
Understanding the Purpose of Gift of Mercy
Maturity, Cultivation of Character
Vocals & Music
My Sheeps:
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