Really hated whenever situations pop up here and there to obstruct fruitful things to be proceeded. Especially when its due to miscommunication which is really not a really good reason for which why situations happen in a negative way!
And its really disturbing to know somebody treating you in a really sarcastic tone. Im not a noob in analyzing people, and in fact sometimes can be really accurate in understanding what human meant with words and expressions and stuffs. I dun like it. If there's anything, say it out. Dun have to stab behind people's back. That's really bad.
Its Okay Lord. not to be influence by how people think of me right? Ultimately, most importantly is you understand me. The ways of the evil will collapse in soon time. God collapse them! Make them fall if they blaspheme your name!
And that's all folks.
PS: i really dun like the way people are behaving now. sarcastic. and bad. they Judge people. without realising the plank in their eyes. Signs.
Genesis Jorris 11:52:00 PM
God indeed never fail to coverin my studies! Father i pray for my faith in you will continue to sustain and that your blessings in my grades will continue to improve!
God indeed never fails to bless those who did their best and hand the rest into his hands!
He blessed me with 72/100 in your ECM paper! Whee~ Those who know me well, this is really a miracle you know!!! Just took my FMA paper and now am feeling so damn relieved.. its always the module i hated and afraid of the most. THE MOST.
Father i pray that you will really anoint me in this with wisdom! May you bless me with not only a pass, but good grades! Father help me! I really did my best this time.. Please!
Though the papers are over all holidays are approaching, that doesn't means relax!!!! There's still RC CA1 yet to be done, so much things to do for that designer's project. ECM to contribute fervently to my group members, and also have a special assignment to complete from my lecturer.. Then PSCM which is really taxing and really got to buck up in my understanding of it... UCCD yet to be done, and got to quickly start researching on thailand for the essay introduction and brief description.. Some more the citation is really SCARY.. NO NO NO, i will still study well, Cause God is With Me!!!!
More to blog again for my exciting journey with God.
Be with me, my Lord.
Genesis Jorris 4:15:00 PM
I recalled this really old folk dance song that goes: "Its a beautiful sundayyyy..." It describe my day alright, the sunday was indeed fruitful and filled with loads of joy for me. So what has really happen? I officially moved house!!! Loads of situations happen here and there before this very day, like i have on clothes to wear, and i have no clothes to wear again, and my clothes are not there for me to wear again.. hahaa. Alright, that matters alot to me OKAY. Other situations are like no internet connection and computers for me to use, the house is always in a mess, no SCV for me for that moment.. plus plus plus. But this day is sufficient for everything.
Had a super great time with my family.. This is the most important part.. because i always love them, but have neglected them in terms of the time spent with them and also communication.. take this time to thanks Jasmine poon, for advicing me to organise my time better and remember family is also my ministry in God. Really love my Mum, my Dad, My sister, my Brother-in-law, my second sister, my future brother-in-law, my brother, my niece. Last my not least, my House!!! It was really nice you KNOW.. The wall and my room in my favourite pink, the living room was in the classic gold dust matched with beige white, a soothing green for my mum's room, and a mystic blue for my sister room. I simply love my room man... sharing it with my niece, its for GIRLS k! I look forward to being a salt and light in my family even more and really give my best to build up my life together with them and GOD. =)
God please take care of my household. Let them be aware of the salvation.
Had a super great "phone" shepherding with evan too.. Had a practical with her regarding, evaluation. She has really grown, since the little shy shy ah hong last time when she is a new believer to a humorous and pretty evan today who is serving God strongly. AMEN! I really love how she touch my life and how she lead her life together with me as we grow in christ in shepherd and sheep. Evan? Hope you are reading this.. Let's bring SP3 identity even higher and manifest it everywhere we go! We can give the unit a push! im so damn excited KKK.. to do even greater things for God!!! We shall go very High!!! =)
Let's be the one who encourage the group that discouraged.
In my devotion to the Lord yesterday night, he revealed this verse to me:
Luke 24:25
He said to them, "How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?"
God's rebuking is good. can somebody say amen? Not like if im a sadist, i like to be scolded.. But this word came to me instantly when i ask from him speak to me, speak to me.. in actual face i been making that prayer to him everyday in my life.. Because, indeed all the sufferings to persevere are getting its toil on me, and so im asking for an assurance from God.. He knows me the best. What i need is not an assurance of harvest, of fruitfulness, of his blessings, of great things, but is simply to understand what im undergoing is part of the process towards glory.
Yes Lord, i understand. I know it took quite a while for me to figure this out, indeed i have a slow heart, and im so foolish for not understanding fully your intentions, but Lord please be patient with me.. I will persevere through all sufferings in Christ for your glory.
And God keep reminding me this two sentences in me:
1. Outwardly wasted, Inwardly renewed.
2. Much is given, much is expected.
He keep emphasizing that even though we are working doubly hard because harvest is near, we will always be renewed inwardly when we are doing God's work and leading a worshipful lifestyle. And i can feel that sentence working in my life! Im just getting more and more excited for God! Really blessed with my caregroup who are all doing very well, and i believe all will come and charge with me for this coming christmas!!! SP3, chiong ahhhh! The adrenaline is driving its way through my blood vessels so powerfully that i felt like im going to burst ALRITE. I love this feeling, the feeling that you know you have to do something, the feeling that is just so joyful and thrilling, you just want more more more of God to come.. whee~
A reminder for all who read my blog: Remember, the key is fix your eyes on God, and think nothing else much. Dun focus on the goal, dun focus on the unit, dun focus on your caregroup, im not saying its not important, but ultimately, all the focuses goes back to God. Let yourself be that child to believe everything will happen, and it will be done. the Lord is with you. =)
im renewed every single second of my life. charged.
God has been prompting me im not giving enough.. Im not trying hard enough.. im not doing enough.. It may seems, im already doing alot in pastoral ministry and many other pertaining events and responsibilities, but deep in my heart, i know its still far away from my limits. Im really blessed because God bless me with several spiritual giftings.. But i have not make full use of it and i did not ask more to be developed from what that is given! but nevertheless, its not too late to realise it now!!! and to make the decision to start doing more with my competencies today!!! Pastor jeff's sermon strikes my heart about this matter, he was exactly touching the same issue that i did not pay attention to but holy spirit been trying to tell me lots of times.. Thank God, for being patient with me once again. I need to do more and i will do more. I believe there is more that i can accomplish and achieve. And i just so love challenges nowadays. I just so love putting myself doing things that is out of my ability.
Oh Lord, i will give my best to meet what you expect of me, and i pray you will let what you have given to me be made known to me.
Gift of Pastor
Gift of encouragement
Gift of Adminstration
Gift of Music
And Lord, i would like to pray you will expand me more in the following giftings that i have not developed.
Gift of discernment
Gift of Wisdom
Gift of the word of knowledge
All this i pray: Amen. =)
Genesis Jorris 11:39:00 AM
But yet at the peak. yeap. Should have learn this by now after undergoing so much. Thicks and thins, smooths and roughs, highs and lows, deeps and shallows. I may be excited, I may be spurred, I may be driven, I may be focused, but nevertheless the surroundings will always push my spirit down and discourage me. But i shall learn from my past mistakes, and learn to encourage those who are discouraged, not to be pulled down together with them.
I want to set a new level and standard to the group. Starting from that small group God gave me, I will impart my spirit and my mentality. Let this attitude and strength continue to pass down to the people. Even though many times i keep troubling over situations why people reacts and behave in certain ways, I will not go back to them again! I must learn the arts of focus, not to be affected. Men are definitely not perfect. Your leaders are not God, you can't expect them to be right all the time. And nevertheless, i shall not demand a God-leader? haha. Not to dilute my standards and expectations, but to be understanding that men are sinners and are never perfect.
I want to groom a caregroup that will shine in the kingdom of God. SP3 will be the group that encourage in times of discouragement, the group that initiates and introduce new and creative strategies to keep up with the transforming world. Someone may ask, do you think is possible? or may question, do you think you have the ability and the manpower? I would like to take this chance to say, Im not the one that make it possible, but its God. Even though sometimes we are unsure, but that is the purpose of a goal and a vision. If forever you wait till something happens then you moved, wouldn't it be too late? By then everybody have already proceeded in front of you. We need to take risks, as leaders. And to take risks, you need faith. Of course, in God. As in my ability, honestly, i think im really weak. But i have a support who is superior than everybody and possess great power. It is God. Let me repeat, It is God who will make it possible. Not me. So last but not least, manpower. Yes, indeed, i may be determine to fight till the end, i may have the perseverance to hold on till the harvest, but will your fellow caregroup members follow you? This is the part i like to share with every leaders. We need to trust in our people. Its important. I experience before myself being a follower and yet my leader did not trust me, and the consequences is too great for the leader to bear. Thank God, he pulled me up. Let me take this chance, to challenge you guys out there who desire to be leaders and are already leaders, to invest your trust in your people. Its the greatest investment, if not, why would God invest His Love on us?
Last but not least. Dear SP3. everyone of you. I really love you guys, and really trust you guys. And i really hope that we can reach the harvest together. Once again, its a effort of unity. we need to do this together, amen? Evangeline, gideon, brian, shawn, garmeng, im proud of all of you. Let's win the best of the best award, to celebrate the glory. =)
Genesis Jorris 10:44:00 PM
Imagine what's so happening that makes me lost my sleep till 7 am in the morning.
Oh My God! Christmas Countdown is coming! Im given the honour to coordinate the event and am really so excited to face this challenge that is going to come in my way. Oh Yes! All the ideas keep flushing into my mind last night.. i cant fall asleep.. Images of how will it turn out, how will this this this segments of the event be held, all keep changing in front of me... I just cant fall asleep! Keep waking up and going to the toilet.. thinking of the people to be involved... Thinking about the P&W practices.. whoowhoo~
I know its going to be tough and it MIGHT drain me... But wait wait wait, remember this particular phrase that catch your sight some where? "Outwardly wasted, Inwardly restored!" Im that type of person and want to be that type of person, the more tired i get, the more i want to do something for the Lord! I just cant wait to get on to my computer and start planning.. Start coordinating, start organising teams, get the meeting going.. Whee~ Its really so exciting man! I love challenges and love tough times. Oh My God, dun say im crazy.
But im really so excited! I have a feeling like im going to burst from all these excitements! And im so excited for WKS2 too... Its like, yesterday as i was fervently thinking here and there, Holy Spirit sort of reveal lots of new style to me! N so right now im busy doodling a new survey that is tailor made for the event, Going to photocopy the poster in colour and bind it in A4 size.. Then set up a registering area with laptop(s), and soon people will come rushing in! SP will surely witness that sub district size on 15th december! whee! Felt like calling up my leaders, hold caregroup meetings, share all this inspirations with them.. wow~ its really amazing.
like i said. God is really Cute. He really know how to make me feel so high n low you know!!!
Alright. Back to business. Blog a little to calm my excitement for a while. More to come tonight!
Genesis Jorris 3:44:00 PM
(The Message)
Why would you ever complain, O Jacob,
or, whine, Israel, saying,"God has lost track of me.
He doesn't care what happens to me"?
Don't you know anything?
Haven't you been listening?
God doesn't come and go. God lasts.
He's Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath.
And he knows everything, inside and out.
He energizes those who get tired,
gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out,
young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don't get tired,
they walk and don't lag behind.
你 岂 不 曾 知 道 麽 ?
你 岂 不 曾 听 见 麽 ?
永 在 的 神 耶 和 华 ,
创 造 地 极 的 主 ,
并 不 疲 乏 , 也 不 困 倦 ;
他 的 智 慧 无 法 测 度 。
疲 乏 的 , 他 赐 能 力 ;
软 弱 的 , 他 加 力 量 。
就 是 少 年 人 也 要 疲 乏 困 倦 ;
强 壮 的 也 必 全 然 跌 倒 。
但 那 等 候 耶 和 华 的 必 从 新 得 力 。
他 们 必 如 鹰 展 翅 上 腾 ;
他 们 奔 跑 却 不 困 倦 ,
行 走 却 不 疲 乏。
Father your faithful servant receives your word. Receives your holy enlightenment. I understands the meaning of drawing strength from you. Understands no matter how well you have built me to serve in your kingdom, i will still fall, i will still stumble. But no matter what happens in the ministry, in the family, in my studies, in every aspects of my life, you will be there for me.. And i will soar like eagles because you are the one that lifted me, you are the one that raise me up. Father.. You hear these cries, nobody will ever be able to understands me fully but only you. No matter what judgement i receives wrongly in this world, it is only you that i shall listen and look up upon. Because you hold the ultimate judgement. And i live my life for you only. Thank you my Lord.
And father.. I make this prayer to you.. That Lord you will relieve me from my emotional struggles and help me stay focus on building your kingdom in this little caregroup that you have blessed me with.. I will give my all to strengthen each and every one of them so that they may soar like eagles for you too. Father, i will obey everything you called me to be and everything you asked of me to surrender. Guide my heart to stay aligned with your word and your directions. I want to be the one that guide the lost, not the one that is amidst the lost. Amen.
Genesis Jorris 3:33:00 PM
Im firm and strong in moving forward in my direction. And im not going to be weakened by emotions and situations that drives me to the corner of frustrations. This is what the Lord has mould: Focusing on His kingdom.
Kingdom-minded is my STATEMENT.
Kingdom-focused is my RHEMA.
Kingdom-driven is my VISION.
Kingdom-expansion is my MISSION.
Indeed many circumstances are coming into my way when ever I stood firm and fight my way for the Lord. But this only proves that Im doing more, thus the devil is trying to fight and push me even lower. Im pleased and proud to be in this battle. Pleased that my opponent is not treating me like a little soldier who will freaks out when the battle strikes. Pleased because my opponent will shakes when he makes his steps to strategize his fighting styles against me. Because he knows, im not somebody weak. Im a strong warrior for God. Im His commander. Im His chosen fighter.
I learnt something. Put your trust in God not man.
Sometimes even people who are trustworthy or there is no reason you can find not to trust, can't be trust. Because they will still judge. They will still misunderstand. They will still decide based on emotions. They will still be quick to anger. They will still side with people. They will still be influence in their thoughts because of their relationships with people. Learn not to take man seriously. But take God seriously. Man, are never worthy.
And i shall fight this battle ME & GOD against the DEVIL.
WE will WIN.
Genesis Jorris 3:17:00 PM
2 Corinthians 4:16
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
I was browsing through blogs hoping God could speaks to me somehow and give me answers to my life questions and situations that im facing right now. And the spirit prompts me out of a sudden, go to pastor Jeff's blog. And so i obeyed, and indeed, there contains words that are awaiting for me.. Words God wanted to speak to me and teach me.
As the verse process in my mind, like wise my heart burned with guilt.. Though this is going to be tiring, going to be tough, going to takes alot of my perseverance, but God's intention was to renew me, not to burn me.. Outwardly I may be wasting away, but inwardly God is longing to renew me.. But what i need to learn is to open and accept God's exchange.
I need to be completely present before the Lord when I seek Him. Not just to find Him and in the next moment looking around waiting for something to happen next. No! Be completely present in God and dwell entirely in His spirit. Its only then can i experience Him and His renewal fully. Help me Lord. Thanks.
I just want to stay focus... and like what you've said, do everything for the kingdom of God. And nothing else shall affects me. As for what Im facing, im not going to care about it, I will just stay focus alright... No matter how many men shall misunderstands me, I shall not want. My ultimate shepherd is you, not man.. They may misunderstands me, but you will be in control.. you will punish me when i sinned, and be there to forgive me.. you will not let cunning acts get in your ways.. You will assist me and pull me through when circumstances are deficit to me.. I know it Lord. and surely, i will find you when i seek you.
Genesis Jorris 12:25:00 PM
Genesis Jorris 11:19:00 PM
Just to assure those who might be worried for me, im fine. The relapse is just a part of my life, and i will be totally alright so long i regularly take my medicine. And that's the reason why i had a relapse... because i didn't consume my tablets for one year plus. Will take good care of myself.
Genesis Jorris 9:15:00 PM
i didnt expect it to happen at all.
why have it returned back to me.
but yet im numb when it came back.
i knew it right before hand that it had not been healed yet.
the feeling was horrible.
it felt like im about to die.
No strength to even walk or stand.
Not in the correct mode to speak.
my tongue is swollen because i bite too hard.
and i do not know what i done.
why is this happening to me i dun no.
God u must heal me.
Im afraid.
that i will have to be on medicine for the rest of my life.
6 years already.
its not leaving me.
I feel so helpless.
My phone suspend on the same day of my relapse.
I cant go for my exams.
I feel so lost.
Help me Lord.
Genesis Jorris 8:26:00 PM
Oh what I would do to have
The kind of faith it takes
To climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone
Into the realm of the unknown where Jesus is
And He's holding out His hand
But the waves are calling out my name
And they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
Time and time again. "Boy, you'll never win!"
"You'll never win!"
But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says, "Do not be afraid!"
The voice of truth says, "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
Oh what I would do to have
The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
With just a sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors
Shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand
But the giant's calling out my name
And he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
Time and time again. "Boy you'll never win!"
"You'll never win!"
But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground
And the waves they don't seem so high
From on top of them lookin' down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
Singing over me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
Genesis Jorris 6:03:00 PM
I really need to discipline myself in order to be a greater leader of my life, in my family, in my ministry, among my friends, in the public and everywhere i go. After severak times of promptings by God, i finally realise i really need to hold this tight and learn this really Hard. God i hope you will still give me time to change and start afresh. And indeed, Lord, i need to learn to trust you even more.. Im depending on myself too much.. I need to make my faith a breakthrough for your sake. So then can i reach and do greater things for you.
And Lord. Let me make my list straight. All these must be done.
1. Studies
2. Fitness
3. Devotions
4. Family
5. Charisma
These are not just tangible things. But they are all going to be my spiritual breakthrough. I will do my part only for the Lord. not for myself. Help Me Lord. =)
Genesis Jorris 4:39:00 PM
Thank you Boss.
Its going to be a tough journey.
But it will be done.
Let's do it together bit by bit.
Genesis Jorris 2:27:00 AM
how i long to be able to flush unwanted and unthinkable thoughts like flushing all big and small businesses into the toilet bowl anytime i wanted to. But too bad my life is forever a toilet bowl in maintenance. Sometimes i will just make this prayer to God, i wonder does anyone of you does - God please help me not to think so much. However, of course God won't answer such stupid prayers.. And usually my dear Holy Spirit will tells me, dun think how to solve problems? Its only "tao bi" lor.. Go think and ask God what to do lar, he will direct u de lar.
interesting right.. my Holy Spirit always speaks in a very "cute" & "auntie" manner.. Perhaps God just know that is the right style to talk to me, in which i will listen. laughs. Alright, God ah.. Sorry why everytime i think so far k.. U must help me in this leh.. i will trust in you as what you told me to when i seek you.. So Lord, i will hold on to this faith i have in your power, and awaits for you to either make a breakthrough in me or make some things happening in my surroundings. Lord ah! Must intervene k!
I will think as positively as possible. Must not be disturb by all these things happening around. Focus on your caregroup lar! Focus on your studies lar! What ever happens, they doing right or wrong, you cant do much.. Just focus on what u can do instead of what you cant do.. remember? Ur duty is responding in the way u r expecting, not responding to help other people respond in the way u expects kkk... Must learn to focus even when things are so uncertain. God ah! Must help me ah! Its really disturbing leh.. U must stabilized me. Give me injection. So i can be immune to them. =) i trust u k?
Lord help me to Love not to hate k. I dun want to end up that way. I want everything to end up lovingly. Lord ah. I love you k? So help me to Love also. keke. Goodnite my Lord.
Genesis Jorris 12:26:00 AM
Genesis Jorris 3:18:00 AM
My master pieces. Everyone of it speaks excitement. Joy. greatness. It tells a spirit led life. =)
Genesis Jorris 3:04:00 AM
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
Genesis Jorris 1:31:00 AM
Today was a spirit filled day for me. And the Lord filled my heart with his powerful insights and touching assurance. His encouragement for my persistence and infilling me with wisdom and directions in my life was a boost to my leadership walk and renewal of my faith in him. Thank you Jesus. For giving me this privilege.
I felt like God was sitting in front of me speaking to me throughout the entire service. It was amazing and indeed it touched me with so much joy that i tear at the end of everything. He know me so well, and he love me so much. My Abba Father, i will long to worship you in every single moment of my life. God knows im struggling and is weary after all these works in his kingdom. He understands and comforts my soul that he is indeed with me. He will walk this path together with me.
God inspire a greater love for my caregroup as well.. I felt really so blessed to be able to lead SP3.. they are the bunch of people that i prayed for exactly back then when i was in SP2 and facing a dry and weary land. He answered my prayer! my dear caregroup... gideon, brian, shawn evangeling and garmeng.. i love you all.. really. And i truely believe you guys are god sent to be in here together with me holding the same identity. Let's grow strong! Let's all be led by our Father to soar High for Him in our spiritual walk! I so Love you guys!
Suddenly have an urge to win people into this kingdom. This is an urgency i never had before. I felt like sharing about how real God has been in my life to everybody around me. Oh God! you are so awesome! And i can sense the empowerment by the Holy Spirit in me.. The type of power, where nothing can resist it.. everything that goes against will be beaten down, and every challenge that comes in our way will be overcome.. victories will be ours, defeats will only be steps to a greater height! Oh Lord! Thank you for that infinite provision when we place our faith in you!
Lord help me to stay focus to witness all these happen.
Genesis Jorris 1:10:00 AM
everyone needs compassion
a love that's never failing
let mercy fall on me
everyone needs forgiveness
a kindness of a Savior
the hope of nations
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
he is mighty to save
author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
so take me as You find me
all my fears and failures
fill my life again
i give my to follow
everything i believe in
now i surrender
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
he is mighty to save
author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
shine your light and let the whole world see
we're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus
Genesis Jorris 2:12:00 AM
focusing my every energy and strength now to do what i have to do.
FOCUS is the KEY.
The lord will be my refuge and my fortress.
Nobody can fight me.
And i will fight strong for the Lord.
Fight strong against all odds.
Fight strong despite much have to be persevered.
Fight strong to glorify his NAME.
I MUST fight strong.
Genesis Jorris 7:07:00 PM
GOD help ME.
Genesis Jorris 1:29:00 AM
Let that return and fly back into my arms.
Let me own that Love once again.
Let me feel that special presence and intimacy with you again.
I love you.
I want to go the the beach with you.
To fall in love at first sight with you once again.
To refresh that sweetness of knowing you loved me too.
I love you.
Holding tight never letting you go.
To soar high and toil deep just for you.
All for love sake i surrender my life to you.
I love you.
LORD. =)
Genesis Jorris 11:59:00 PM
Genesis Jorris 6:45:00 PM
the breakthrough that i been mentioning recently is finally here. Its here. As i was struggling with the solution of the problem God inspire in me, talk to her. talk to her. And i know this is the way, that will lead me to breaking out of this emotional confinement. The conversation was fabulous, and amazing. Indeed, we really grew. We accepted. we learned. we speaks. we share. we solve. we consider. we explain. we realise. we loved each other.
Many things we already knew. Many things we learn to love each other and understand each other. Its not like a conversation of hidden secrets and feelings. But it is a recognition of apparent explanations we understand ourself of each other. God is amazing.. half way through the conversation, i started laughing.. because, i was really amazed by the holyspirit of what he speaks to me about her.. and it was all true as she identify with me.
We were very frank, explaining with each other areas that we been struggling and affected. Pointed each other mistakes, and help each other to overcome.. This is indeed the breakthrough God been moulding both of us. Some thing we have to let go and work together to move forward. And indeed i can feel myself being swing to the next stage of my spiritual life after the conversation. i felt so refreshed. and in my sleep, i was smiling. =)
finally a good sweet night rest i got. Thank you Lord.
Genesis Jorris 2:58:00 PM
Oh God i need your provision!
My pocket money got cut again today by 20 bucks.. imagine that 20 bucks can last me for 2 days! Now left 5 bucks to last for the whole week till monday. Food + Transport. Imagine that!
Just blessed my brothers and sisters by paying for the ingredients and cooking for them. Im glad I can bless them in this. But Lord now i need your blessing! I pray the transport money can quickly come so may i be able to use them for this week coverage. Lord please help me!
And this thursday will be caregroup for SP3.. Lord i pray you will bless us with full attendance! Shawn and Garmeng! Lord touch their hearts to ensure they will surely come for caregroup! I pray that shawn will desire himself to come for the gathering, and garmeng will response to our invitation for him to join us.. Lord! Bless us!
I pray too that i can concentrate and study well tomorrow for my elearning and MST.. May my studies be fruitful for your name! Father give me wisdom and concentration so i will not slack in my attempt to study hard for you. Give me discipline!
Alright till then shall i blog again k. =)
Genesis Jorris 8:19:00 PM
i so love my caregroup man.
They are my best caregroup members.
i so love evangeline.
i so love brian.
i so love gideon.
i so love shawn.
i so love garmeng.
Dear SP3! let's fight for the vision! we will witness de!
We will shine in the light of His glory!
Our new SP3 Blog =)
Genesis Jorris 2:39:00 AM
And let me find strength in you.
You lift me up.
Genesis Jorris 7:40:00 PM
i can't help but proclaim loudly that i sense greatly in my heart the breakthrough in this area that i been struggling since im a new believer is coming. its really coming. And of course for those who have undergo transformation and testings, you will surely understand when you call out to God you want breakthrough you want growth, he will throw a hell load of storms on you. That's what im facing now, a thunderstorm of emotions and feelings, a series of unpredicted situations and circumstances, a bunch of unsupportive relations and threats of confusion. I was indeed troubled by them the previous week as i had mention, but the journey to breakthrough is becoming more and more apparent.
From the moment i initiate i will never be weaken, that i will be firm and strong to win this challenge victoriously, to be lifted higher to the next phase of my walk with God, it has already ignited the fire of success. God is on my side and is going to help me over come my weak heart and my little mind. He will bring me glory and give me a greater call. For all these i find my confidence in him. Of course, the breakthrough has yet to come to its finale wher i will not be bother by the testings.. In actual fact, i am still facing the tough and difficult times of dealing with conflicts and competition.. But there is this joy of me that i would give thanks to the Lord in all circumstances. i really trust he will bring me through this.
Perhaps there are people who felt i could never make it. The great calling will not come. That my vision is my vision, and God's calling is his calling, its two seperate thing. However, i trust that what God inspire in my heart is what he want me to do. No matter what will comes to me in the end, i will follow the Lord and obey his calling. Because that is what i can do the best for him and for the church! I will not be fathom by discussions and criticise from men, but i will only take into account Godly and biblical truth that God wants to speak to me about my life and my directions in this walk. Only God can direct me. =)
my dear shepherd is not around in singapore, he went thailand HOLIDAY. but im really happy that he have the chance to take part in church global meetings and absorb from this pastor he mention, pastor floyd. Lord may you bless this fruitful and persevering leader here with great experience and to let our relationship as shepherd and sheep continue to grow stronger. Have so much things to share about this breakthrough to him but too bad he's away and i can't contact him. But i think, God want me to undergo this when he is not around. This is a breakthrough best when i can face her alone, without his presence. GOD! you need to give me courage! i trust you that its here its here!
LORD, take care of my flock. Brian, Evangeline, Gideon, Shawn, Joella, Kestrel and Garmeng.
And take care of these who i have indirectly mentored. Edmund, Fish, Jasmine, yiheng.
Bring them nearer to your glory too. amen.
Genesis Jorris 6:38:00 PM
see that squinchy small little eyes plus horribly thick eyebags up there? It represent insufficient sleep that have resulted from sleepless night of rushing my cultural report. And finally i make my visit to the mosque. a relief and a bonus of exploration.
Actually, the way Islam advances in their religion is very similar as christianity. Their so called bible, the Qur'an contain verses that teaches very smiliar moral values as like in christianity. In actual fact, they do follow the series of Torah just like us (for those who do not know what is torah, it is actually refering to parts of the old testament). But what is that differences? and why are there people who have left christianity to believe in Islam?
Another question that non-believer posed was, "where did the word Christianity come from and was the word ever mentioned to Jesus? Well, I did not find the word Christianity in the Bible, not even in a Bible dictionary. Specifically, I did not find in the Bible where Jesus called himself a Christian." Why called Christians? Because we are Christ followers. And Christ followers only strikes its beginning from the moment Jesus died and resurrected. And thus in Acts 11:26, people starts proclaiming themself as christian. Why does Jesus have to call himself a christian? He was Christ himself. And everybody only realise their final word and salvation after recognising Christ died for us, and had resurrected.
In this time of exploring other religions, specifically Islam, i have become firmer for the Lord and could even stronger declare that nothing is ever stronger than this faith in christianity. Because indeed the bible is the truth. And nothing could fathom it. Abba father, take the land and may your glory be revealed soon.
Genesis Jorris 4:08:00 AM
Yes indeed i was confused by circumstance and emotions.
But im nevertheless that weak to fall into the devil's trap. I will not succumb to ponder over these issues, but to stay focus on what i want to do. Yes Lord, be your salt and light in the family and studies. Be your vessel for the harvest. Be your woman to lead the flock. Im forever yours and fully yours. Its late now, im stilling rushing my report. But my heart can't settle down. Because God's work need to be done. It have to, its the most important purpose we have to accomplish so long we are living in this world and label as SP unit. People! can you see the urgency?
Like to really give my heart in encouraging all my fellow battle warriors in this dry and weary land, buck up! you are not giving enough! We need to give our best! Really SPians.. dun slack, once you did, we have to wait again for the next harvest.. there is no more waiting allowed, we must break the benchmark and hit 70 this december! No dilution! No easy way! We must be hardworking in order to achieve this! We need to do our best before God can do the rest..... Please my dear comrades, let's fight.... I need you guys to unite together with me then can this be possible... REALLY! the middle blue seats are ours!
And for those out there that are facing bitterness and struggles relating to emotions and feelings, I tell you.. Dun waste your time thinking and confusing yourself over things that are not worthy.. instead stay focus on God who is indeed worthy.. YOu dun want to waste your time over these meticulous issues.. they are just situations that draws you to procrastinate God's work! No! dun be affected by them, instead focus on God's Love and his positivity. His appreciation is far more important than any other human beings around you. Stay close with God. Major on the major, dun let little stuffs catch you unaware and pull you down in the battle.
God! This is my urgency! Bring me to where you called me! Help me to serve you greater! Help me to move out of my comfort zone! Let the momentum starts from HERE: SP. we will celebrate this glory during christmas. We definitely will. Amen.
Genesis Jorris 4:21:00 AM
im getting this feeling in me that i do not like. Why is it returning? Lord i do not want to compete.. i just want to share. in peace. But why circumstances stirs me not to? Why situations pull me into the battle against each other? No Lord.. i do not want to compete.. It will only force me to lose my focus in you. Lord teach every heart to be united, and not to fight against each other, for it will only lead to destruction. Lord teach us!
Sourness swell in my heart too. Why Lord? How come like that? Father bring me not to be tempted with worldly emotions.. but to stay focus on your love for me. Even if others are wrong, i shall not follow. I will only follow the righteous one, your way. Lord use me as the vessel to correct those whose heart are crooked, to teach them not to fall into the pits of lust. Lord ensures your leaders are leading the right way. Not let them fall.
Bitterness in my heart i confess to you Lord. Help me to expand my Love for her. Even if what that was done was not biblical, or that the motives was not right, help me to Love her by correcting her instead of reprimanding her and questioning her. Please help me my Lord, to Love. I do not want to live in a community full of traps and devocious acts. But i want to build a land that is filled with care and warmth. Help me to be that vessel to create the next generation group. Help me Lord to overcome.
Genesis Jorris 2:15:00 AM
Genesis Jorris 1:33:00 AM
My Sacrifice
all out for you. Lord.
Genesis Jorris 1:45:00 AM
Jesus of Suburbia (Live)
Genesis Jorris 1:42:00 AM
U2/Green Day - Whole Set
Genesis Jorris 1:29:00 AM
i could only say praise the Lord for such a breakthrough in our birthday celebration. What a joke! This is really exciting...Can't wait to share with you guys how this entire celebration runs! Don't blame me if you roll on the floor with laughters k.
It starts off with today caregroup, as we were all gathering to fellowship and chat before it starts, suddenly we have some crazy ideas to make the later typical birthday celebration a different one. So out of a sudden, we decide not to hold care group. but to come together, and plan strategically our plot of the day. SURPRISE the birthday girl, Joella.
So there it goes: the group jokingly discussed many funny plots to lure Joella attention away. And dun understand why SPians can think of such far-fetched plots, what great brains we have man! (situations like, use red paint to create some embarrassing moments for randall to lure Joella to the kitchen - by lennon amazingly... To sabotage her by smashing some interesting cream mixture of flour on her - Maddness.. To have alvin fainting so can create BIG BIG floor impact - haha.. ) and the list just goes on.. finally we decide.. on something, interesting. haha.
As we were proceeding our plans, Joella came! Oh my, die.. randall shouted immediately and ran into the kitchen. Thank God my mind work so fast, quickly pretend that she and evangeline was doing forfeit. then just ended the session with a very funny tango dance. We have a fake P&W session together, with everybody aware but not Joella soon after that to come.. and one thing i really need to mention, randall's acting skills improve greatly! she pretend vomiting in the toilet to create the before hand "impression" to joella that she's sick. hehe. And then i went around telling everybody get ready to respond to the SURPRISE later. hahaha.
And so of course, the PRAISE & WORSHIP was really of LOW standard, but i must say this. SP people really know how to act, and hide their laughter from the victim. So we praise God SO funnily and proceed to worship... we actually prayed? keke. to give Joella the impression we are really worshipping. so we go on singing..... until the section for prophecies, where Joella before hand asked to have a section where she can take lead. SO HERE GOES THE PLOT. as she is prophecizing, randall started to pretend she is going to faint, then BOOO*Y#&*$^@&*! she drop dead on the ground! hahha. Of course, JOELLA was shocked. and everybody starts running around, pretending to be nervous.
Now here is the funny part, of how bad our acting can be. People looking for medicated oil in the kitchen cabinet which only contain pepper and flour............... People laughing when they say they want to pray for randall.............. People looking for medicated oil AGAIN in the facial area....... Guitarist continue to play guitar ignoring what is happening (im refering to mr lennon), the dear randall who faint trying so hard to contrl laughter, people who was so shocked that they forget it was a scheme and thought it was true.... But nevertheless, Joella went to borrow this medicated oil from a myanmar tenant living in HQ, and randall was so choked. but she cant respond to it, cause she is acting. (praise the Lord)
As Joella was busy tending to Randall, we took out the cake. and start singing, Happy Birthday to you, you are born in the zoo, you're a cow and a monkey, Happy birthday to you! hahahahaha.
After that we have a time of affirmation, where we allow the bday girl to choose the people she want to listen to.. haha. many interesting affirmation. But would like to take now to affirm her again: Joella! my dear sheep! continue to grow strong in the Lord! remember! next year when we are celebratin your birthday, you will have been in Africa! together with many other africans! that will be your unit! grow strong my girl, continue to lead with courage from the Lord! you got that privilege! =)
Who knows what's next coming up?
Birthday celebration are getting more n more creative.
Amen. haha.
Genesis Jorris 11:17:00 PM
Genesis Jorris
Created on July 8th 1988
Conversion July 16th 2005
Drowned and Roses February 19th 2006
Ministry of PSPT
Ministry of Singers
Ministry of Teamhope
Ministry of Stage Managers
Ministry of Image
Leader of Occidental Alumnis 2007/2008
Leader of Crippled Beggars Alumnis 2008
Leader of SP2 Girls group 2006
Leader of SP2 Mix-group 2006
Leader of SP Unit Guys Alumnis 2008
Pastoral Goal: Family Salvation
Spiritual ministries
Vision: Dynamic Teamhope
Professional Image Team
Personal Verse:
Psalms 143:3-10
Fulfiled Goals:
Creative Caregroup
Influential Sheeps
2 CLs
Creative caregroup of great identity
Gift of leadership
Personal Goals:
Pioneer Image Ministry (Tertiary)
Understanding the Purpose of Gift of Mercy
Maturity, Cultivation of Character
Vocals & Music
My Sheeps:
Free Cellphones |