Im going to be really busy in the month of May.
Might not have alot of time to blog.
Therefore please make do with photos to know what are the happenings!
Genesis Jorris 12:04:00 AM
Am right now in the computer lab of the business IT library.. Going to have my lecture in another 15 mins I guess. Its going to be retail and trends strategies, another boring lecture. Perhaps in the midst of copying notes, I'll prepare my shepherding notes of the growing series. Am half way through. hmmm... Something keep striking my heart and throwing me into misery. What misery? I do not understand why some believers did not take God's work seriously in their life.. But rather, they move and lead their lives according to their own ambition and purposes.. Who is the number one in your life? You yourself or God?
If its not God, do take some time to reflect upon your life if you said, you want Him in your life.
Its not a time of correction.. I believe there are many in this world who are only christian by name. But does that means we could ignore the issue and let it be laid at the side? No.. Rather we need to know its important to place God as our number one priority.. If you want to experience God, then you got to put Him first.. Dun wait till times of dryness floods your life, then you put the blame on God that He's not real in your life and you can't experience Him. Its a two way relationship as many are aware, then we got to give our due effort in order to relate to God.. If not, how are we going to be able to receive His plans for us?
Brothers and sisters.. I hope you hear the heartbeats of my conviction.. I will definitely not say Im one holy and convicted Christian, High above the others. Because Im just like everyone of you, who are call under the same category call SINNERS. But rather.. When the judgement day comes, let's give God a proper presentation of what we have tried to do our best in our lifetime.. Do you want God to speak to you, that you are His good and faithful servant? I believe that will be the best sentence that could ever ring in our ears.. SO let's begin our committment from today, to lead our life to the fullest for God. Hate sin, Love God. Because God is faithful to us.
He died for us, then did you lived for Him?
Off to lecture theatre and to caregroup after that. seeya.
Genesis Jorris 3:46:00 PM
A sharing from somebody which I felt it is important we remember this.
God will always answer and supply for what we ask.
But beware, do not take God's blessings for granted.
Always give thanks to His provision and answered prayers.
Then will He continue to answer your requests and pour His provision upon you.
I will continue to give you praise for all that you done in my life everyday. Thank you Lord for the many answered prayers that you have blessed me. Thank you God for providing me a comfortable home, a complete family, a communion of brothers and sisters and many others things which im more fortunate that others. Lord discipline me not to take your supplies for granted. Remind me of your blessings everyday. I give all thank to you Jesus, Amen.
Genesis Jorris 12:15:00 AM
Today had been a fruitful day for me.. Mixing well with my FYP project mates and have a super funny project idea discussion together! Been a long time since I could laugh this heartily together with my classmates.. Usually, the connection and conversations are only surface topics and about school work.. Believe these few weeks is a good start for this semester! Recently the conviction to be a salt and light becomes stronger in my mind.. I must do what I preach, if not, how am I going to show to the people around me evidences that Jesus is alive? Just as Jasmine Poon preached in the previous service regarding "dealing with doubts", the best evidence of a living Christ is our life transformation story. It is us, that makes the best advertisement for God!
I want to lead this life closer to Jesus. To encounter every minute of my life with God's element in it. Every decision I make, I want to, and I should inquire God. Because there is nothing that He could not fathom. Therefore, he will assist me to make the best decision, to choose the best path when I came across split roads. If we were to say, we want to put God in our first priority, then how come many times when things happen, He was not the first one to cross in our mind to approach? Is that a sign that God was only your priority occasionally? And sometimes don't? Let's all understand clearly that God is a great God. And His knowledge is far beyond what we could ever understand. If we were to put Him in our heart everyday, every single second, and to always remember to pause and ask Him to direct the next step in leading our life, then I believe you would have save yourself from regretting many things that you did. Because God declares: For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. His plans are forever the best =)
Yesterday as I was meditating on His word.. I learn about the essence of wisdom from the Book of Proverbs. What is your idea of Wisdom? Being intelligent and smart? Scoring straight As in your progress report? Being cunning and discerning? One of the key thing that God emphasizes in the book of proverbs in regards to wisdom is: Moral ettiquette and living a pleasant life to Him. What is the thing that God hates the most? SIN. What is sin to you? Robbery? Adultery? Murder? God sees haughty eyes and lying tongue an equal sin to those. So, if you had been praying over for wisdom, ask yourself.. Have you understood fully the meaning of wisdom? And had God been telling you something but you did not quite understand because you felt it was not about wisdom? Sometimes, things we do in our daily life we just let it get pass us as sin, without giving it serious thoughts. Did you put in enough effort to speak the truth but not to lie? Did you live your life with good moral etiquettes or in the dark you are just another man who care less about it?
Thus once again, my conviction.. To be a salt and light in this generation of mine. The tag line, "To be in the world, but not of the world, to influence the world" have always been in my heart. And I do not want this statement to simply be a statement in me. But rather, I want it to happen in my life. I want to be that living advertisement for God. So that when people around me ask me why? I will say, Because when God becomes everything to me, He turn my life around. And I want to lead my life in worthy of His name, because His love was so great that He died for me, and for you. I will discipline myself for you my Lord, to try my best to speak nothing but truth, to lead myself as a good example of you, to follow you. Though I know I will definitely be a sinful woman, I could never be perfect. But at least that's what I could do, to let your love for me not to go down the drain.
All to you my Lord.
With Love.
Genesis Jorris 8:10:00 PM
Im angry.
Whether is this holy anger or personal anger, but my heart is really pumping hard on my chest now.
God curb this anger.
And help them to learn they are not doing something good. I believe you have patience in them. Allow me to have the same patience. And love them as I always was.
Genesis Jorris 11:34:00 PM
He raise me up in heavenly skies.
And sing beautiful melodies into my ears.
A rush of warmth fills me throughout,
when His hand touches mine.
He comforts me with a gracious hug,
when I washes my face in tears and blood.
He bring me words of lullaby,
to soothes my sleepless night in rest.
So great..
So indescribable..
How could He love such a sinful woman like me?
So forgiving..
So High above..
Yet he bow before man to free us from eternal death?
He lift me up above all else.
And speak lovely stories to my ears.
A flow of tears came upon me,
when His hand touches mine.
He encourage me with His arms across,
when swings of emotions cloud into me.
He declares with His word, your joy is complete..
And that brings me into my sleep all night.
I love you my Lord. Forever.
Genesis Jorris 8:29:00 PM
Many things messin' in my mind right now. Can't stop thinking. Can't seems to focus. The intensity between the culture difference is gettin haywired among the two difference skin color. One tends to lead in aggressiveness, while the others have in return with strong and big numbers. The indication of the war is brightening in the dark. Ominous sign strikes my head. Had in the beginning I stood firm on my thoughts will this takes place? No, I know this is good. But why have it driven to current situation? I am confused and lost about that.
I asked God: Is being strong and overwhelming our fault?
He said: No. But its the way you are driving the power of that strength that is haywired.
I asked God again: But we did not provoked their rights correct?
He said: Neither did you have in favour for their rights.
I asked God: Then what can we do to maintain the drive yet maintain the peace?
He said: Love your neighbours as yourself, do not repay wrong with wrong.
I told God: But my love is finite.
He said: My grace is sufficient for you, my power is make perfect in your weakness.
Do everything in obedience to the Lord's will. Im willing to obey your plans for me. Willing to be used by you to do great things in your church and your people. Though disciplining myself to follow is going to be bitter, but I know your fruits reserve for me are sweet.
Daddy help me to have a greater heart for you!
Be kind.
Genesis Jorris 10:13:00 PM
Oh my goodness..
Today is my first day attending BA0400 Business law.
And it was indescribable.
I think the following weeks its going to be miserable for me. Sighs. Business law.. Oh my God. All the words of litigation, judication, magistrate council, mediation, arbitration.... Floods in my mind. Please father help me to memorise all these terms very well. But anyway, they provide free debating training. Do you think I should go for the training? I mean like.. Its fully paid, and SB is going to hired a professional trainer to specially teach us in learning debating skills.. I think its going to benefit me greatly. Hmmm.. Will give it a serious thought.
Im happy for my dear sheep edmund. Who exclaimed and proclaimed his joy to have gotten into a company that he really enjoyed. Really am glad to see him working hard for his passion and doing well in the company. Believe with his talents and abilities, he will be able to impress the GM/supervisor in that company. Perhaps winning himself an entry pass next time when he graduate? I believe you can do it, Ed.
In regards to Mr Yiheng tag: Need to do some explanation. Did not say Lateness is a disease. But rather the disease of not being able to wake up. Not everybody can understand this, but if symptoms such as the alarm clock rings for 30 mins and you're still dead on the bed, your mum dad sister brother niece all came into the room to shout your name and you're still dead on the bed, and by the time you wake up you seriously do not know all that have happen takes place in you, you will know what I mean. For the meantime, its not within control. So, what should I say, make a better judgement! Active and focus is what everybody knows how to say. Ask and approach those who can't wake up in the morning: ZUL. And perhaps you will understand. =.=
Later gonna be quantitative and analysis. Repeat again: Quantitative and analysis. BORING. Oh well, dun really understand why do we business students have to take this module. Just like the lecturer says, its so easy to score an A. and many students can distinction actually. Then why in the world you put this module for us to study? It must be so simple that we dun have to learn right. After that gonna be report writing. Whoosh~ I seriously am dead beaten by this module. Because the lecturer is trying actively to involve the students in the discussion, but she make me feels like we are secondary students. Due to the fact she just joined SP not long ago, and used to teach in a boys' school. Apparently, the class isn't very encouraging too with their participation. Engaged in their own conversation.
This semester modules are all extremely boring. I do not know what to comment about them. But I got to give them my best shot after all! Study Hard study hard and do well in this very last year I have in SP. No more Lateness no more lateness. Will employ a living alarm clock, one that I would love to listen to his/her voice in the morning. One that I will pick up call de. Hmmmm. Maybe Mr Lennon will do the Work? HaHaHa. I will freak out in the morning when He calls and then surely awake. Or if evan is going to call me, surely I will force myself to wake up in the morning and listen to her call! but ultimately, I got to work hard yea. =)
No problemo. Babes and Dudes. I will get a 3.5 for my Diploma this semester. haha. =)
Genesis Jorris 1:12:00 PM
I saw her face on the newspaper, and I can't believe my eyes.
My neighbour, my friend, was one of the four that nearly drowned in the canal. And among that unlucky four, one was drowned. And she was the one. Debra.
Many times I see people who ended their life journey early.. And I will simply felt pity for them. That so soon, they left this world, without doing much in their lives. This time round, I could really feel the impact that Life is short and unpredictable as I see my dear friend leave this world.
The only thing I prayed for is that she had kept her faith strong. So may she reunite with our heavenly father after she end this life in this world.
After this very day.. The more it strikes my heart I need to cherish my lifetime well. I will never knows when Im going to leave this world, and how long do I have still to fulfil my ambitions, to take care of my family, to take care of my friends, to love my brothers and sisters, to build my career and everything I want to do with my life. Is it one more day? One more week? One more month? One year? Or till Im weak and Old? I could never predict when God is going to end his plan for me in my life. All I could do is lead my life to the fullest. That's the priority.
Father I pray for all my dear friends, brothers, sisters, families that they will lead their life well.. For all who have not know you or have rejected your gospel, I pray Lord you will reveal your goodness to them and touch their harden hearts so may they receive the good news. For all who have receive you into their life, praise the Lord.. And father I pray you will strengthen their faith and help them to lead a fruitful christian life. Build them into the kind of person you created them to be. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Genesis Jorris 8:52:00 PM
Oh hello lots shitttt*
Im actually late once again for my tutorials. In the morning of course. Am too late to enter the class right now. =.=
Am blogging my lateness so that there could be some kind souls out there who can provide me with some remedys in curing this disease that will disable the body from panicking in the morning when Late?
Nevermind. Tomorrow will be a better day.
Wheeee~ Going shopping with my beloved nel. Because of her fashion disaster in regards to wearing something FEMALE. Laughs.
And what's more later I'll get a chance to meet up my dear OCCIDENTALISTS and the rest of the SP UNIT! woohoo~ Gonna be a fruitful time. Its Okay. God time to buck me up. Give me discipline. MORE MORE lord. Though I know discipline is bitter. But the fruits are sweet. =)
Love ya.
Genesis Jorris 2:06:00 PM
Headed to Raffles City and join the gang together with KokHao.
Gonna be doing Imaging for the singers, musicians and hosts today. woohoo~ Am really excited to get involve in areas relating to this. Cause am Highly interested in investing my time in them. Ha. The gang apparently though indicated no Lateness, was dilly dally all the way. In the end supposingly we have to reach substation by 2.30pm, we reach there at like 3.30pm.
We are so "punctual".
Its Okay.. When I reach the guinness theatre, I was a little taken back and SHOCKED. Cause the place was even more torn then I thought. I mean like, if we have touch up it a little perhaps it will look better. But we didn't, that's the problem. Alright, no point pondering on the facts, because its not going to make it look any nicer. So we move on to briefing on the cue sheets and there start the setting up. Meanwhile, I move to the backstage for IMAGE.
I will overall rate the dressing for the musician an B! Which is really good. Especially the drummer, I simply LOVE his outfit. White shirt with red prints, with Black bums, a Red silver belt, white sneakers and high red socks. Damn designer outfit lar. Im in LOVE. Jason's Hair was really professionally done.. Thanks to KokHao. We actually permed his hair with the use of mousse. He wore a squarish black specs I call it, with a black vest over a brown shirt. Kinda psychiatric scientist look. But it was really lovely. Sharon looks so different with end perm on her rebonded hair, as well as makeup over her "usually no makeup face". Jiasheng rocks with that pair of converse RED sneakers. Suits him damn madly lots!
And the singers.. Ha. Room for improvements.. Perhaps a C+? Cause many last minute changes and problems with the outfits cropped out. Guess Kelvin looks the best among all. He wore his brown long sleeve shirt with a brown sleeveless pullover on top. Together with some light makeup and decent hairstyle, he totally blends with the genres that he was delivering. Thank God for Nel "born-to-be" emo face, there isn't a need to doll her any more emolish. Laughs. Just joking.. She look great with her fake eyelashes but i think she could have dress more feminine! Seriously. Like a skirt or a dress? with hair let down? Ha. Next week we're see a CHANGE okay. Lolita makeup and hair was done really well. Thank to the Hard work of the image artist (give myself a pat on the shoulder). Just that the outfit was really not suitable! Because the dress was a little not very presentable.. And the white top cutting and design doesn't blends with the jazzish style.
But well my favourite is still Lancaster! Seriously I would LOVE to give the teddy bear a hug if it had not been because "nan nu shou shou bu qing". lol. He's damn cute and he seriously hosted very well. Lancaster you are my idol! Ha. He's a really nice guy really. So people, go get to know him better. =)
After which.. Hmmmm. Didnt have much time to catch up with the unit because most of the time I was hiding in the backstage doing Image for the performers. But manage to spend some free and easy time with them... And enjoyed the second part of urban groove together. After that there was the "cats and dogs" chasing happening across Orchard. =.= Interested in what have happen? Kindly approach Mr Shawn and Mr Brian to get to know what type of GOOD thing they have done in that BEAUTIFUL night. arrrggh. The group ended up going home..... SO BORING! Whereas me, randall, Gordon, Lennon, Pearlin and Edmund went for our POOL and DINNER session. It was slackish... Dinner was really pathetic. Cause we were broke. But had a fruitful return.. Manage to break barriers!
Hmmm.. End today post with a prayer for one of my sheep. I know this sheep is facing something right now in thee life. And Father I pray for your coverage in thee's emotions and directions. Lord give thy a strong heart so may thee be able to act upon decisively according to your directions in thy life. Comfort thee wounded soul so may thee not be bothered by worries in the world, but be at peace in your promises and faithfulness to us. Strengthen thy faith so that thee will be able to stand firm in thee conviction and belief. All in all, I pray that this sheep will walk right with you. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
Genesis Jorris 1:22:00 AM
This phrase catch my eyes today.
My heart is burdened for the group.
The weight is heavy.
Im sinking together with all the responsibility.
The faith that Im keeping is pulling me.
When my eyes crosses his,
I saw wickedness. Betrayal.
Drifting apart from a person I do not want to.
I could not deny myself any further.
Because he did not understand.
What's happening. between the both of us?
Answer me.
Today It preaches about doubts.
About many questions that we have, though we many times do not get answers.
Yea true. Now Im asking a question.
What have gotten into him? And I guess. The Lord is not going to answer me.
Because the right answer will not help me at all.
What I need now is direction to lead my group.
And care less about him then.
I need comfort and strengthening from the Lord.
About what is happening above me on the organisational chart, Care less for now.
Sighs. Though the distance and barriers between us is getting bigger.
And I do not know how long I could stay under his guidance.
But truely. I always respect him. And I never doubted him before.
He will always be respected by me i guess.
arrrggghh. Lord! Let me not be disturb by these thoughts.
Please Lord. Reconcile this relationship.
And if Im doing anything not rightful, correct me.
Because my Lord, I want to walk right with you. Really.
I want to lead my life well.
Lead this group to glory.
Witnessing Occidental® growing from a small little caregroup size of 13, to a sub district of 50!
Drawing near to you. Knowing you better. Loving you more.
No matter what comes in to pull me away from you, I will still believe.
I will fight to the Last.
Lord. Let my heart be strengthen by you so may my faith be strong in you. Give me a discerning heart so that I could understand your flock and people better. Discipline my life led with you, so may I lead my life to the fullest, holy and pleasing to you. Give me your blessings, opening your floodgates of heaven, so may harvest pour sparingly and abundantly upon the Occidental®. Father help me to develop my giftings, especially in the areas of leadership and music, so may I serve you fully in your ministries of the church. Lord please direct me further, of my journey in the future, and what can I serve you as in the coming days. Bless me a fruitful life ahead, as I trust in you, your plans for me are perfect.
Father I pray for my leaders.. That they will be well and close with you. That relationships will be strengthened because we share the same goal and vision. That only positive attitudes will dwell because we want to all remain in servanthood to you our king. For all my fellow dear support coreteam members and armour bearers.. Pray Lord you will bless them with a healthy body and good relationship with friends and family. Father make them the top not the bottom, and use them to glorify your name.. Pray for all my sheeps, that Jesus you will guide them to stay close with you, to grow strong in you, and to serve greatly for you. For those who have drifted far away from you, Father please drop a touch of hope in their hearts. For those who are experiencing you more and more, help them to discover more of your infinity. For those who have just know you, Lord reveal yourself to them. All in all, help them to understand your love, and likewise, love you.
Tml gonna be urban Groove 2.
Father I pray that you will anoint me as your image artist.
Help me to do imaging for all your children tomorrow that they will sparkle like stars!
And may the event tml be successful.
Let nothing BIG cropped up, but everything to be smooth and good.
Father help us to connect well with the non believers and win their hearts!
May they enjoy the fellowship with us. And see something different in our lives tml.
Pray in Jesus name, Amen!
Genesis Jorris 1:29:00 AM
Anger overtakes.
Rushing of fumes.
Generating evil.
Pushing Death till.
I want to kill death.
Regain Life.
Punish Satan.
Worship God.
Just bloggin' =)
Genesis Jorris 11:28:00 PM
Helpless feeling recently.
I need strengthening. Need anointing. Need answers.
And God show me this word:
And your Lord says,
Call to me and I will answer.
Shakes me a little. And then I realise, the Lord is directing me. He knows Im abit lost here. Abit weakened and disappointed. He knows what Im facing, and He's saying he is here. All I have to do is, call out to Him in His name. And he will be there to assist me..
Along the journey back home, as the rain continues all around the bus that Im boarding. I prayed and worshipped Him. I took out His blessing of words, and asked of Him to strengthen my faith right now. He told me with Isaiah 45:
1 "This is what the LORD says to his anointed,
to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of
to subdue nations before him
and to strip kings of their armor,
to open doors before him
so that gates will not be shut:
2 I will go before you
and will level the mountains;
I will break down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron.
3 I will give you the treasures of darkness,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
4 For the sake of Jacob my servant,
of Israel my chosen,
I summon you by name
and bestow on you a title of honor,
though you do not acknowledge me.
5 I am the LORD, and there is no other;
apart from me there is no God.
I will strengthen you,
though you have not acknowledged me,
6 so that from the rising of the sun
to the place of its setting
men may know there is none besides me.
I am the LORD, and there is no other.
7 I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the LORD, do all these things.
And through His words, I gave thanks. His love is indeed great and unfailing for me. Am touched by His grace as he make the promise to me that he will strengthen me though I did not acknowledge Him. My heart tells me under the peaceful music, that the Lord is trying to tell me, despite I am a sinful woman, despite I may not be intelligent or successful, He will be with me. So long, I remember His words of advice to me:
- Isaiah 1:19-20
19 If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the best from the land;
20 but if you resist and rebel,
you will be devoured by the sword."
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
Obey His words. Depend on Him. Be willing to serve, not lead. Obedience fully to His works, not according to your preference. If you lead your life instead by yourself, the sword that signify the devil, will take your life away and make you a living zombie.
The Lord is with me. And he reminds me with His works and His promises. In John 16:24, he reminded me, that until now I have not ask anything in His name. Ask and my joy will be complete. My joy that He is there for me, listening to me, understanding me will be complete. From that moment, as I drop off from the bus, I realise, the rain has stopped.
He says: I answered your prayers, no rain at toh guan.
He makes me smile. And I know, the Lord is great. I love you God. Love you more than anything. And you are the reason why I want to serve fully with all my life. Take me and use me. Lord rain down on me with your anointing. I need more of your wisdom. Your prophecy. Your grace. Your leadership. Your love. Your knowledge. Your courage. Your compassion. I need everything from you, to lead my life and lead your flock. Lord please. Fill me and charge me.
Last but not least, I will stand by this word that you will always use to strengthen my hope.
Isaiah 40:31 - But for those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
The Lord is my First Love.
Genesis Jorris 8:47:00 PM
Outbursting with anger a little.
Why is he so ignorant about everything?
I feel a little unfair. Injustice.
Lord tell me it is not the way im thinking right now. But rather.. there is hidden reasons. Dun wanna be affected and hindered by these happenings around towards my service and leadership to God. I seriously want to stay focus and grow strong for the Lord. Nothing pushing me behind. Im going to lead this OCCIDENTAL from glory to glory. God use me. Im willing. Take me to your plans. I will not struggle. But rather, I give fully to you.
Vision: Rise up to become a powerful and influential leader for God. One who is impact hungry. Making an impact in singapore for Hope Church. Bringing on a powerful momentum within the tertiary groups. Rising up leaders. Of same levels or surpassing me. Salt and light in surrounding environment. Glorifying God's name to non-believers around me.
Nothing gonna stop me. Because God is with me through this. Im giving all out this time round!
God drop a seed into my heart today.
On the seed it states: My love is great.
God's love for me is humongous. He loves me. So much you know.
And definitely he will provide for everything I lack.
Last time I lead with my strength.. Always finding myself limited, and locked within boundaries. As I find rest in the Lord.. Initially, I gave up on myself already.. Because I felt I was disappointing. I failed the Lord's plan for me. I failed to depend on Him. I failed to ask from Him. I have no face to return back and lead once again for His flock.
Yet God assures in my Heart.. There's nothing he will not forgive me if I come to Him with a repentful heart. If I come to Him with all my heart. Right now.. As I realise my wrongs in my doings, God is pleased. And if Im willing to lead my life and the group with His strength, God will gladly be there to lay His Hands upon us. Oh Lord.. Thank you. Thank you for your amazing grace.
Pray over for these few people...
Darrel, Boris, Zengni, Zi ang... That they will see you, Jesus Christ alive in our lives! Lord let the time that we be spending with them be fruitful and spent wisely... Lord give us the opportunity to bridge the gospel to them in our conversations..
Pray for evan.. As in this time we begin to pick up the relationship back.. Let no embarrassment be present. But rather, help me Lord to win her heart bit by bit back to Christ. Lord please impact her heart more and more..
I pray for the OCCIDENTAL.. that the people will become more committed to the unit and a greater heart to serve God as a caregroup together. Lord increase the people's vision for you within the group and their desire to do greater things for you.
Praying for my sheeps.. all of them.. That Lord you will drop the seed of leadership in their heart and expand the areas of their potentiality for you.
Grant all desires that are pleasing.
Genesis Jorris 10:47:00 PM
He dropped a song into my heart just now as I ask of Him to sing a soothing lullaby to me.
He told me, by his wondrous love, by his amazing grace, I had been redeemed by his precious blood. How greatly, is Jesus who have died for me.
Now ringing in my ears.. A song that sing of myself, drawing close to God. To worship him, in spirit and in truth. I always love to dwell in the beautiful music just Me and Him. Lovely. Holy.
Reaching for Him. Lord, draw near to me.
More discipline need to be shower upon my life.. I can not let myself continue to dropped into the depths of worldly life. But rather I need to lead a holy life, holy and pleasing to my king. Father rule me.. Im willing. Take control of everything, because you have the best plans for me, and i know my life will be in good hands if i place them in you.
Father just want to pray over for a few person in my life.. That they will wake up from that restless life of theirs, and start living life to the fullest. Stop dreaming. Stop wandering around. Start the path that is going to determine their entire lifetime.. Lord I pray, wake them up. Help them to make their due efforts to lead a fruitful life. Help them to realise the importance of YOU in our life. Help them to deepen their relationship with you.. Help them to rediscover their giftings and talents. Help them to KNOW what exactly is LIFE.
Lord, you are an amazing God. I thank you for your love for us.
Love you. ever.
Genesis Jorris 12:49:00 PM
Today Had been a busy day.. Rushing things here and there.. Getting my Life back once again to that super busy schedules. All sorts of things come tumbling over. Phew~ Quite a whole lot to contain in one day yea. But it was really exciting. And to think, I enjoyed these days.
I love to get my hands and feets all over the place.
Getting myself into real busy matters. For God sake. It's worth it.
Meeting up my sheeps.. My caregroup members.. My coreteams... The time was really fruitful. Imparting vision. Identity. And getting everybody a hell uppppppp for Jesus. Wow~ Im excited to see something Happen too!
My life is going to be holy and pleasing for God.
In my Family. Nothing is going to fail me. He will bring me through.
In my studies. Im gonna score High and greatly to glorify the Name of Jesus. No slacking allowed.
In my caregroup. We're gonna grow in glory consistently through times. OCCIDENTAL gonna Rock the polytechnics.
In my future ministry. Giving my talents to the fullest for God's service.
In my personal Life. Leading an influential personality and good character in this world.
Lord hear this prayer from a grateful heart. Let me be discipline to do your work, and lead a life for you. Help me to continue to be an offering to your service wholeheartedly! Let me continue to grow in my compassion for lost souls... And have this heart of evangelism everywhere I go. Help me to be one strong leader to lead your flock, so may they be directed through me of your plans. Lord use me.. For im ready to go mountains and seas for you! Bring me from glory to glory, all in your name, Jesus, Amen.
Genesis Jorris 12:23:00 AM
Lord. Hear my prayer. Help this broken family reunite their hearts together once again..
I don't want all these to be happening.
All I hope is my parents, they could finish their following years healthily and happily. My sisters and brother-in-laws will have a happy marriage. My relationship with my brother could deepen..
Occasionally a family outing. Laugh over meals. Joke over the shows.
That's all I want.
I don't need a rich family. I don't need them to pampers me.
Sorry Lord for being such a disappointment. Redundance in the family. but NO. I could never admit defeat to this.. I want to be your salt and light. Not just in school. Not just in ministry. Not just in church. But in family too. I want to glorify your name in here. To show to my family members that you make me brand new and good.
Really heartbroken. I feel so torn and tattered now.
Heal my heart.
Genesis Jorris 2:02:00 AM
My family is breaking apart.
I hate myself.
Im redundant.
Have an urge to just jump down from 22nd floor. And just die like that.
Control my despair heart a little.
Genesis Jorris 12:46:00 AM
Not furrr up with anybody.
But myself.
Simply contacted a deadly disease call: sleeping cancer.
I can't seems to be able to wake up before 12pm.
Today is the second day of school, like wise second day I oversleep. I tried to sleep early already... I slept at 1am hello!!! Yet when the alarm rings in my ear Im like a piece of dead body rotting on the bed.
But somehow, School still doing well for me. Comparing to my previous experience with polytechnic. Want to know the details? Approach me personally. Classmates still doing okay lar.. Though I haven't get to know them due to the fact im in different classes for all the modules. I only happen to know their names.. And they were really nice to me. Hope will be able to work well with them together as a group, as a class. This time round for the semester, I must do well in my modules and score 2 As. Alright people, watch me.
Now rottin in free access waiting for the next lesson to come in another 15 minutes.
Not really that long actually. But the thought that I still have 2 more hours of school to go makes me sick and weak. And dear Mr yiheng keep emphasizing to me this semester his course is simply asking him to play games. what de... Where as for me, what am i learning let me think.. Quantitative analysis? Business law? Business development? Retail trends and strategies? arrrgghh. Just reading the names make me pukey.
Later we're gonna have coreteam meet. Believe its going to be another fruitful time. After taking a rest for so long.. Realise its quite hard to adapt to the hectic schedules I used to lead back then as the leader. Its Okay... It will takes time. And oh well... Enough of resting.. Enough of meditation. Time to wake up and charge ahead! Gonna meet up lennon this thursday before caregroup i guess... God let everything run smooths. Let everything be start anew. And let me stay focus on fulfiling your plans in ME.
This afternoon as I took the bus to SP.. Prayers for people strikes my mind.. Therefore.. Decide to pray over for a few dear brothers and sisters endeavours:
1. Edmund
Sheep? Really want to pray for a life transformation to be upon you soon. Let God not only conquer your body, but your mind and soul too. Let God show you your life purpose, so may you fulfil a meaningful life. Father I want to pray for this dear sheep of mine.. That he will find rest in his emotions in you.. I pray all the struggles he gone through in the past you will comfort his heart, and help him to totally overcomes them. Lord, help him to experience your greatness more and more.
2. Randall
Hi dear fellow leadermate? We've gone through thicks and thins.. tears and laughters. In this few weeks of rest.. I realise.. Actually, you meant a lot to me too. But the intensity of human nature overrules me and angled my thoughts. Just want to pray for you that in this time as you embark further in your leadership role, take heart and remain in the Lord. He will be your greatest support and listener.. I believe we know this well enough.. As we rise up.. There will be lesser people around us to share our thoughts. But God never leaves. Therefore.. Grow well and lead well. I will see you soon in ULM? hahaha. takecare dear.
3. Brian
Been a long time since we have been together.. I mean CG. You have never fails to make me laugh with your BAD sense of humor, and your interesting thailand style dance. have seen you grow in this period of time.. Taking up more ownership and adapting to servanthood. Im proud of you Brian.. But if you want to be a leader, you need to give your life totally to God. If I say today, lay down your life for Jesus, will you? hahaha. Alright.. Not that Serious.. But you need to prioritize God, and place him in the centre of your life. Take everything that have to do with him seriously. Your quiet time, your prayers, caregroups, services, events, etc. These should be your priority. Take heart Brian, God is worthy of your prioritizing. Pray that God will rule your heart.
4. Gordon
Have manage to chat with you for quite a few times.. Discover the potential in you. That's great! Just wanted to encourage you that the eastralites are strong. Be there to be part of the strength, and lead in the name of Jesus. More fellowship to come.. when there's more people to come yeah? it is indeed not easy to start a ministry in polytechnics... But God overcomes all things. Therefore, SP4, will be yours very soon! Come on, join in the team and SOW! We will see seeds sprouting very soon. Our efforts will definitely bear fruits. I pray God will anoint you with the gift of leadership so may you be prepared for the new group to come. =)
5. Pooiyee and Baorun
Just wanted to give thanks to the both of you for your committment to the group immediately when you join me in the OCCIDENTAL. Felt really blessed to have both of you, supporting me in leading SP2 ahead. Definitely, we will see fruits coming soon! So when is the next time we go evangelism again? Ha. SP2 will break 18 by the end of June yeah? definitely! Let's give our best to Jesus and celebrate at the end of the harvest! I love you girls! Pray for baorun to recover soon and have a strong body, as well as pooiyee to be able to grow strong as a leader in OCCIDENTAL! take care.
And there's so many people I want to give thanks and pray over for.. But I got to go for lesson now! continue tonight. byebye.
Genesis Jorris 1:35:00 PM
Phew~ That was quite a fruitful meeting we had together as SP2, the Occidental Unit. Really happening... Just that there was two eastralites who came over and disturb our discussion. But its okay, their presence creates more humor for us. Laughs. But kinda sad to see Yiheng left alone at the other table standing up for His unit yea? Jeremy HS and Gordon! How can you two forsake your unit and join your competing team!
Keke. It doesn't matters. Ultimately, we are all one unit. SP rocks.
What did we talk about just now... Hmmm.. Oh yea, Our Occidental Blog! Coming up with the word splash.. The theme... The topic.. Objects.. Wow. That's quite alot of things to contain in a blog. But im excited! To see a revamp in our caregroup blog.. And also a place whereby everybody could throw in happening events that have happen within the caregroup and unit. wheee~ Then we move on to talk about our dresscode for this coming saturday service.. In the end we finalise to all wear denim bottoms, with black T-shirt. And we're gonna spray OCCIDENTAL over the back of our Tees. Gonna be unique and identified as SP2! haha.
Visitors of course. Urban groove and lan gaming is like coming very soon... And we dun want to miss these events without any visitors! Come on Occidentalis! Let's bring our friends and family members... All we can ever think of inviting to join us for any of these events! Let's invite them for upcoming services and let them see, God is good! If we're not inviting... Then what's the use of planning so many events and learning to have an evangelistic heart? Let's all give our very best to God. Fulfil the great commission. =)
SP2 people listen up to the following announcements:
1. Caregroup, Thursday 6pm, HQ.
2. Bring your black T-Shirt, on Thurs.
3. Dresscode as planned, on Sat.
4. Pooiyee to pass down information of discussion to all girls.
5. Edmund to pass down information of discussion to all guys.
6. Urban groove last registration this sat. (Quickly invite your friends for the event.)
7. Lan gaming last registration this sat. (Quickly invite your friends for the event.)
8. Blog completion: 29 April 2007
Anything i miss out do tag on the board. takecare lovies.
Genesis Jorris 8:33:00 PM
Im gettin' alittle moody over here.
Its extremely Moody...
First day in school for the new Year already like that.. I can't imagine days after that. Well.. Apparently this morning I oversleep and missed the first tutorial. But i guess first tutorial isn't that important at all... Ha. Hopefully this module: Business development will give me some space for improvement in my "oversleeping" syndrome.
The year 2 class I happen to be in for the module QANL is quite happening. The guys give me a very potential feeling. Though they belong to the "happy-go-lucky" type. But I haven't manage to get any chances to know them!!! Holy Shit. I need to buck up on relatin to people next turn round.
Boredom overrules my heart. Seriously am feeling so alarmed by the emptiness in me now. God do something exciting with my life. Let me like, experience more interesting elements please. If not im afraid my mind will wander off to some unknown locations again. And thereby resulting my heart weighs down alittle again.
Later gonna be the unit dinner gathering.. Seriously hope that I could quickly finish up the time I have right now and rush over to unite with the OCCIDENTAL. Simply love them and miss them. And this saturday we're gonna do something really exciting.. So, catch us soon. =) I suddenly have an urge to lead people to P&W God in caregroup.. Seriously hope this time round I will be assigned that role.
What I want to achieve this year 2007:
1. Evangelistic Heart
2. Support Singer
3. UL
4. Occidental unit: 30
5. Stronger bible knowledge
6. Giftings: Leadership/Music
Genesis Jorris 2:00:00 PM
The unfailing concern.
Genesis Jorris 11:55:00 AM
Waking up in realisation that I had seizures Last night.
Felt the pain on my tongue.
Though I have no idea why It took place. Perhaps.. I slept too late.
I seriously need to take my health seriously. If not.. How am I going to serve God efficiently? God please discipline me to have a healthy Body.
Something weighs on my Mind..
Father Im trying Hard already. But seems like there isn't a two way effort being made. Or is it me myself who is not giving any chances for reconciliation? Do not want this to continue because I know its not good.. But this unwillingness of pride overwhelms me a little.
Cure that Part of my Heart.
Loving you more and more. And what's more... SP2 rocks. You bless me greatly. Thank you.
Genesis Jorris 9:21:00 PM
Ha. Guess what day was actually yesterday? Around 4 hours ago? We typically knock into HOPE people everywhere along the way! Its like Orchard to city Hall is own by Hope church Singapore. Somebody say Amen? But well as I was sharing with Windez. It also signifies one thing: Hope is growing. Perhaps next time, not just the time, but everywhere in Singapore! whee~ SOOp. Let me move fast to the food and the games. What feast did we Had? We simply pour out our money and bought carrot cake.. Oyster egg.. Roti John.. Teh peng and Sugar cane. All in Large servings. It was quite alot for the five of us you see. =) The interesting thing is.. we Had an idiom game.. where by only if we can pass the test then can we grab one mouthful of food. SO we started off quite well... Till funny words come out... "Duck's inner body" NeverMind, we move on the IDIOMS GAME PART 2. This time round.. We got to link it in terms of the Chinese idioms. So started off well.. Quite nice and flow quite sweet. Until dear Gordom unique dictionary starts pouring out: "Zhi ma lu dou" 2. Zhi de bu wai (Repeated version of Gordon's dictionary) Anyway, I still enjoyed the fellowship. Love God for such a loving family you blessed me together with in the unit. More fun more Committment! Amen.
It is the day where GenJ proclaim the END of her ATTACHMENT.
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! Finally she can focus on her pastoral ministry and serve God with her time better now as she return back to the polytechnic schedule. Attachment was a total uncomfortable adaptation I have to suffers! Having not to be able to turn up for service for 2 whole months was really a sad thing. And further more unable to meet up with my dear NEW caregroup, SP2, the OCCIDENTAL!
But well, the group is doing GREAT!
Simply love the people.. Everyone of them. Though we are really new together.. But the identity is building bit by bit, getting stronger and stronger. We're gonna try out something DARING next week during service. As I resurrect in my attendance too. =) Wanna know what we're gonna do?
Catch the Occidental 5.45pm, at NEXUS auditorium, for Tertiary Service.
Alright back to what Happens in the exciting early morning of this beautiful sunday when the sun haven't set in.. Me, Jeremy, Pearlin, Edmund and Gordon went sightseeing over near esplanade and feasting in makansutra plus some Idiom game which is kinda idiotic. Laughs. But seriously, we actually enjoyed it. So what really Happens? Show u some of the photos.. We walk from ZARA Takashimaya to esplanade.. That's the reason for the photos, we happen to realise the five status outside the museum could be a nice partner to take photo with us. hehe. We sing songs.. Play with fountain water.. TALK alot.. Run.. Joke. Drink. Drop things on floor. Crap.. We did all sort of things.
And I got something to share.
"Brain Juice"
"Yakun Toast bread"
we're suppose to say all these in Chinese, and link it in only words that represent food. So, yea dude, you get what I mean. We actually eat heart and brain juice stuffs.
"Zhi de bu wai"
So we decided to invent a few new Chinese Idioms.. These are the few:
1. Dou ni du xiao
Meaning: Crackin' Jokes till you Laugh until your stomach pain.
Meaning: Straightening will never gets crooked.
Oh what ever.. In the end we ended talking by the sea.. Me and edmund started the politics and educational talk, career talk, which sings a lullaby for Gordon and Pearlin. Laughs. I beginning to few old with the 2 of them. Perhaps me and edmund tends to be too mature in thinkings. Like 30s. SO nevermind.. Ended up going Home to rest and get ready to excite in upcoming unit gathering in HQ in another few hours!
Genesis Jorris 4:16:00 AM
Ha. Just wanna post a photo of my sheep. keke. Edmund Emmanuel? You're being posted and being Loved! Laughs.
Genesis Jorris 1:43:00 AM
Why flabbergasted?
Laughs. Not trying to flaunt my vocabulary. But seriously wanted to proclaim about the heart condition I am in right now for God.
So how many know the meaning of that long and funny word above there? It simply means, surprised. according to the standard dictionary explanation, flabbergasted means: To cause to be overcome with astonishment; astound. Yeah, that's what my Father in Heaven doing in my life right now.
Im simply overcome with astonishment by His miraculous deeds in every minute of my life and im astound by His presence, His answered prayers, His love, His grace.
The one thing that make me this emphasizing on this WORD is because, I don't see any reason why GOD would love me such a sinful one. Come on people, if we just take one minute to reflect on all the things we did in our life for that 10 to 20 years? We wouldn't just want to take another minute to think about it. I used to think im a GOOD person before I got to know God.. But now that I've seen God's goodness, I know what is really call GOOD.
Its like I never tasted good before.
Thus His love for me never fails to make me GOES: Flabbergasted. Because everyday he will surprise me with His abundant grace and unfailing love. Sometimes, I just do not know why the tears of joy could simply flows out of my eyes without my permission. Perhaps, I could only say, its the work of God that have touches the utmost depths of my heart. =)
Right now in School of Business of SP... awaiting for my dear "LATE KING" sheep to arrive, Mr edmund chan.. I think, during our Caregroup Appreciation day we're going to have an award for the "Not Punctual Executive", that definitely, I bet you guys will know obviously who is gonna get that award. From 12noon, to 2pm, from 2pm, now to 4pm.. I hope it doesn't get any further. Laughs. But alright, God says be forgiving. SO i shall have patience over this cheeky blurry lately SHEEP of mine.
My sheep Baorun is sick too. Gotten her sms early in the morning. I hope she's really fine. Father cure her and give her a healthy body and soul! So may she be able to focus without being distracted later on during the caregroup on her roles.. Help her to maintain her desire to serve you.. Through that, she will be heal in the name of Jesus. I believe. And give her courage to sing. Help her to understand courage is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of fear. =)
Am still embarking on my fast..
The temptations doesn't seems to make any much big impact on me anymore.. Thank God. Initially I really struggle not eating.. Especially because Im currently working in Zara, therefore not eating simply means I got to use up every bit of my energy in store in me. I suffer from pain in my stomach but i really persevere.. Giving up one of the days, and then coming back again to really want to be determine this time round. God sees my heart i believe. He helps me and now the hunger will goes away, so long I place my focus on Him.
Love you.
It will be Caregroup later for the OCCIDENTAL warriors! Whee~ Im excited for it. Though not sure how's the role have been dedicated and how have everybody prepared for it.. Some thing rings in my mind: Isn't it the same God who works in every caregroup? And isn't God then the centre and focus of holding caregroups? Then what for focus on all the humanly thinkings.. In fact, we should put our focus on receiving from God during the Caregroups. That's what we all should do..
Vision for SP2: Everyone to build a deep relationship with God. Not just as a group, not just during services and events, but even in our intimate time with God, we know in our HEART, we're near and He's near.
Love SP2. Love the Occidental.
Strongly believe this bunch of people is going to grow! And the group will double in size for sure yea! =) Take care bunch of lovely huggies. I love you.
And of course! I love you, God.
Genesis Jorris 2:50:00 PM
I love God.
Really.. And through these few days I learnt even greatly that God really answer every single prayer. whether is it a YES, or a NO, or a WAIT. He will definitely answer you. He will never overlook our requests.
The key lies in: Did we seek Him in spirit and in truth?
What that matters is not whether God was there for us a not. Is not whether God was there listening a not. Is not whether God is abled a not. Because he's definitely there for us, definitely listening to us, definitely abled to because there's nothing he can't do. Come on people, we're talking about God here. Not just any man. He's the one who created everything we see, hear, smell, touch today.
what that matters is: Did we partner with Him in our life?
In this week of reflection and going deeper in my relationship with God.. I realise when we make efforts to walk close with Him.. like wise he will walk close with us... How God delights to walk close with us! Afterall, we all knows His love for us is so great that he send His son, Jesus to sacrifice on the cross for us. So as to be able to connect to us, without the boundaries of sin.
I love God.
Thank you God for giving us the chance to be with you in our lives.
Your grace is so merciful and amazing.
Im always surprised everyday to realise you by my side.
Love you.
Genesis Jorris 10:02:00 PM
Genesis Jorris 12:47:00 AM
Brand New Start.
SO many things happen in the past 2 months.. My attachment.. Easter service.. Restructuring.. Poly/Di generation next 2007 camp.. Renewing Spiritual walk with God.. New sheeps.. New direction and personal Goal.. Wow~ Its Quite a holiday for us! Concluding this whole stretch of changes here and there.. It was a fruitful and a intensive one. Am so glad Im now partnering with God getting ready to start the battle in SP very soon!
Want to thank God that he blesses me with a strong team in my CG, SP2... the Torches of the occidental. Know what it means? Occidental means "west"... And we are the torches of God in the west! Torches are meant to brighten the way for those who are still in the dark.. Therefore lots of exciting plans coming up for the group to venture into the world of darkness bringing the light of truth to people who are unaware! Hey SP2? Are you guys getting heated up with me to fight in the frontline? Come follow me! And let's be great ambassadors of Christ in the campus. =)
Some of the TO-DO things in our CG list:
1. 30-day fast for Conversion and Retention
2. Intensive Evangelism (Weekly Basis)
3. Train 2 new Guitarist (Meaning, we're going to start beginner's guitar lesson 2 soon!)
Phew... That's quite a lot of exciting and hectic schedule to meet right? In one month? NO FRET! The more we devote our time and life to God.. The more we will felt that its worthy. Am I right? At least, I felt so.. Was taking a vacation off from my leader's role for one week.. And realise.. I can't stop serving God as a leader anymore. Because.. Its not just a role, Its a part of me, Its my life. Serving God is my life, my purpose. And that's it! That's why I can't do without it.. Every minute in my mind im thinking about how can I serve God better.. How can I be a better person for God.. God is in the centre of my Life. That's for sure.
Attachment end quite a success for me.. Though Im one of the "MC" queen... and "Late" princess.. Laughs. I manage to learn quite a bit over at ZARA, the way the store is being manage as well the importance of visual merchandising.. Overall, I will rate ZARA management an "B" for its good organisation of stuffs and system.. The only thing that results it only being a "B" than an "A" is because of their staffs. The staffs are not discipline and hardworking enough to make all that system perfect. I will say, the company is unable to get them to be passionate over their job, they are simply working for the sake of that monthly allowance. Manage to mingle well with the staffs there as well.. Being a salf and light for God! Though people there only care about their own benefits and backstab each other... I stay strong on my stand. I help one another, and i care for each other. Thank God for His protection that in the end I didn't get stab as well! My colleagues had a good impression of me. =)
Startin' school soon.. This time round I must really glorify God with my studies! I can't slack in them any more.. But I must work not just to pass, but to score.. To top in the class, level or school! Seriously I need to buck up to prove to people in my Life that God is making a difference here, in my Heart. Thus God! Discipline this lazy soul of yours so may I be able to attend lessons regularly.. Give me wisdom too to understand the modules better! Last but not least, help me to mingle well with my classmates.. Build strong relationship with them and even bring them to Christ! Give me the confidence to deliver myself well together with all of them. And all my fellow CG members who are going to start school also.. Lord I pray you will help them to score greatly for you too and be your salt and light in their academics.
My personal Goals:
1. Grow to be a UL
2. Expand my vocals
3. Get 2 As for my modules
4. Develop giftings: Gift of Leadership & Gift of Evangelism
5. More Loving
6. More Giving
My Lord you hear this prayer~
Ally my Goals are set forth to glorify you, and to serve you greater.
Grant my wish to lead my life for Jesus!
Genesis Jorris 8:39:00 PM
Pushin' back the ODDS.
Partnership with God to level all future endeavours.
Tough times is not going to Last.. But tough people Last.
And God is going to make me tough!
Father I know you will be with me.
And im ready for you.
Take me along your plans and place me according to your purpose.
In all of my ways, I will acknowledge you.
Followin' you.
Genesis Jorris 9:35:00 PM
Genesis Jorris 1:25:00 AM
An apology to readers of this blog, the previous crimson post was an attempt to release fuming airs of an erupting volcano. Am here to indicate to every one, Im doing great and fine!
Indeed I was stuck in the middle of no where, lost from directions. But thank God he came in at the right and crucial time to direct me with His light.
Im saved by Him once again.
Now knowing clearly where Im heading, Im even more committed to fulfil whatever I had in mind to fight with the caregroup.
Come on warriors of the West!
We will claim the harvest first!
Genesis Jorris 1:52:00 AM
My heart will go on.
It seems like my heart have been tear into two. One gobbled down by the dreadful devil, the other struggling to live, yet impaired by the dripping blood from the severe damage of the tear. Im no longer refering to heart pain anymore. I literally can feel the tear, really painful. In my heart. It strikes the nerves in my brain and pulled my veins. Pain. More crimson splashes over my face. I can no longer tell the difference between my tears and my blood. They are all mess across my life.
On one side Im fighting for God, on the other Im crying for help. One weak and one strong, who am I really? I need advice. I need help. I need guidelines. I need wisdom. I need rebuke. I need teachings. I need my shepherd.
To my amazement, I can't find.
My heart is on the borderline of fallin into a deep and black pit. Lord save me before I drop inside. I do not want the remnants of bitterness and evil jealousy to suffocate my holy life. I want to live my life holy for you. Piss off, stains of the evil one.
I just want to be with God alone.
Genesis Jorris 10:12:00 PM
One who have a black heart is one who suffers the most on earth. They live in a cold, still world. With no love, no friends, no spirit, no joy. Hatred floods their mind, bitterness corrupt their soul. Their life have no purpose, they live for the sake of living on till the next day.
I dun want a black heart. I dun want to be blackheartened.
Sometimes situations will force one to the walls. Embracing me with evil, with dark forces that I nearly suffocate. Im struggling with the battle myself. When I attempt to reach out to that person who teach me, I could only catch a peep of his backview, never looking back, never stretching a hand to pull me out from the depths of the pit. Why he never understands the pain of a lost sheep?
No matter how tough it is to battle alone, I will persevere. I promise God I will fight till death. Fight for His glory to be revealed, fight for His people to return back to His community. I fight not for my leader or the people in my group, but I fight for my one and only, Lord.
MY NEW group, SP2.
Im filled with a little fear to take this group. For I remember the tragedy back then with this dry and weary land. But truely I believe God send me back to this land to claim His promise. SP2 will never remain dry, but will blossom from glory to glory. Give me strength and courage to fight rainbows for you Lord. To claim harvests for you Lord. To witness lost souls rebirthing for you Lord.
In your mighty Name Jesus Christ I prayed,
Genesis Jorris 11:15:00 PM
Genesis Jorris 11:59:00 AM
Genesis Jorris
Created on July 8th 1988
Conversion July 16th 2005
Drowned and Roses February 19th 2006
Ministry of PSPT
Ministry of Singers
Ministry of Teamhope
Ministry of Stage Managers
Ministry of Image
Leader of Occidental Alumnis 2007/2008
Leader of Crippled Beggars Alumnis 2008
Leader of SP2 Girls group 2006
Leader of SP2 Mix-group 2006
Leader of SP Unit Guys Alumnis 2008
Pastoral Goal: Family Salvation
Spiritual ministries
Vision: Dynamic Teamhope
Professional Image Team
Personal Verse:
Psalms 143:3-10
Fulfiled Goals:
Creative Caregroup
Influential Sheeps
2 CLs
Creative caregroup of great identity
Gift of leadership
Personal Goals:
Pioneer Image Ministry (Tertiary)
Understanding the Purpose of Gift of Mercy
Maturity, Cultivation of Character
Vocals & Music
My Sheeps:
Free Cellphones |